Drakes Drama

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It felt really good to fix things with Monica. Our lunch date went really well, she's already picking names for the baby. She is just too funny. I got back home, to get a text on my phone. It's a news report from TMZ. The headline title reads " Drake Throwing Shots At Meek Mill And Nicki Minaj". I immediately hurried and opened my front door so that I can read what's going on in the house.
     Once I put all my stuff down, I head on over to the couch and start reading...
    Tuesday, at 5:15 PM Drake Throws Shots at Rapper Meek Mill And Rapper Nicki Minaj. Sources say that Meek And Drake has been having a back and fourth fued going on, scouces say it's a about a rumor going on about Drake and Nicki dating, and rumors that Meek has been saying "Drake is a fake rapper and that he doesn't wrote his own raps"
    But a close friend says that Drake wants to fight Meek Mill for putting dirt on his name. Just last week a video of Meek Mill listening to Drakes song " Take Care" featuring the Ex Girlfriend of Chris Brown, Rihanna. Saying " Fuck Drake, he wants to shot him and end his career and that he will smash Rihanna, reports say that Rihanna is Drakes new fling, just two months ago, he was spotted walking in the L.A. streets with Nicki .
      But let's see how everything plays out, let's just hope that the two rappers can end this beef before it's gets violent....
   Me reading that damn report made me upset. Drake hasn't even called me in like 2 days. What the hell is he doing he can't be that busy. Me reading this is making me wonder if I made a good decision becoming Drakes girlfriend. Not to mention how much he is gonna be away, especially on tours. Is a baby the right choice right now. There's just so much to think about now. And this damn beef going on with him and Meek. Meek calling me out like that. How dare he, he needs to keep me out of it. And I would never have sex with Meek he is ugly and not even my type. Nicki needs to stay out of it too. I am pretty sure she doesn't want to get her shit rocked again. All this stress is not good for me right now. All I know is that I need to call Drake and figure what the hell is going on and when it's gonna stop before someone gets hurt.....

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