Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Author's Pov

Yoongi smiled as he remembered his dream. J-Hope had taught him a dance that left him tired even after he had woken up. It took several hours but Yoongi managed to learn the first eight steps. In the end he fell into J-Hope's arms,  earning a bunch of kisses from him as well. However, J-Hope had kept track of time and sent Yoongi to wake up.

"At least he gave me kiss before I woke up." Yoongi blushed and pressed his fingers on his lips. "He has soft lips." He whispered as he took his button up shirt and turned to his full body length mirror he blushed more when he saw the bruise on his right shoulder. "This idiot should really be careful next time he wants to leave his mark..." He sighed as he buttoned up his shirt. "now to deal with those idiots." He smiled as he took his phone in his hands and his keys and walked out of the house,  towards NamJoon's house. 

"Hyung~!" A voice called out to him as he made it to the bus stop. "I don't feel like going alone."

"Were you running?" Yoongi asked as he held Taehyung close to him. "Why did you run if you're in no shape to run? We all know you failed gym class."

"I didn't want to go alone, duh." Taehyung said as he pulled out a water bottle from his backpack. "Want some?"

"No thanks." Yoongi denied as he pushed Taehyung inside of the bus. "Where are we going to hang out today?"

"Jungkook wanted to go to an amusement park. And the other hyungs wanted to have a sleep over so yeah. Amusement park and sleep over at Jins." Taehyung explained as he sat down and sighed. "I'm thinking that you probably want to sleep right now, right hyung?"

"I do but, I want to try and stay awake today. For the sake of having fun." Yoongi sighed and looked at Taehyung who looked at him with his mouth wide open. "Close your mouth, you'll have flies inside."

"Hyung did you say that you actually want to stay awake today? Trust me,  you won't regret it." Taehyung smiled as he looked ahead. "We're here already?"

"Time flies fast." Yoongi whispered as they stood up and walked out  of the bus. "Hey Taehyung, never mind, it's useless." He shook his head as they made their way to NamJoons house.


"This is amazing!" Jungkook shouted as he ran to the games along with Jimin to the big games.

"Let's go after the kids." Jin tugged on Namjoon's hand and nudged Yoongi to move along with them. "Let's have loads of fun today."

"LET'S GOOO!" Taehyung shouted and ran after Jimin and Jungkook.

Yoongi laughed as he saw Jungkook choking on cotton candy. "Oh man I wouldn't change this for anything." He whiped a tear rolling out of his eyes.
"You see? Ain't this better than sleeping?" Jin smiled at Yoongi. "Real life, is better." He sighed. "Of course that sleep is good too because you escape reality." He reasoned.
"I know hyung." Yoongi stood up and turned around slamming into a small body.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." The person smiled at  him.
Yoongi stopped. He had seen that heart shaped smile since a few years now and he couldn't forget it. His heart ached and he stepped back as his friends gasped.

"Relax, it's okay."

"Sorry, our Yoongi hyung  is kind of in a shock right now." Namjoon smiled. "And so are we."

"Ahh, Jung Jiwoo nice to meet you." Jiwoo smiled again. "Hey buddy I hope you know that it's okay."

"I.. Yeah okay. Sorry." Yoongi said in a small voice.

"Yah! Jiwoo let's go!" A voice shouted for her.

"Hang on Shownu!" Jiwoo shouted back and turned to them. "I must go, my little friends are tired and they want to go back to Gwangju."

"You take care now." Jin waved as the girl walked away with a big smile. "Wow, she looks lik-"

"LET'S GO ON THE ROLLERCOASTER!" Jimin cut Jin off as he and Jungkook pushed Yoongi away from where they were sitting.

"Jimin no~" Yoongi whined as he looked up to the big ride. "Yeah hell no, if this is what he feels then fuck it I'm out." He turned around but was held in place by Jungkook. "Let me go."

"Hyung you can't!"Jungkook gripped the older tighter. "Please, for me? I'll buy you whatever you wa- Aww FuuuAAAR AWAY" he groaned as Yoongi hit him with his elbow right on his stomach.

"Next time let me go." Yoongi smirked. "Now I'm gonna g-"

"Go next." Jin said as he and Taehyung pushed him inside of the ride and walked in after him and sat him on a seat. "It's for six people, we're six now sit your ass down or you'll regret getting up." The older threatened with a serious face and then just like that became normal and sat down.

"This has got to be the most exIIIIIIIIIAHHHHH THIS IS AMAZING!" Taehyung raised his hands up as they picked  up speed.

Yoongi closed his eyes and immediately thought of J-Hope. That he was sitting right besides him and that they were on a date. And that they were on this rollercoaster and J-Hope was clinging on to him for dear life as he yelled and screamed that he wanted to get down. And that right after, J-Hope would just be sitting for the next 10 minutes before hitting Yoongi and storming off because he made him get on the big scary right.

"Gi. Yoongi." Jin shook the younger and woke him up from his daydream.

"Yeah? What?" Yoongi looked at the older.

"The ride is over, come on lets go." Jin said as he wobbled out of the place.

"I... didn't even... feel it." Yoongi said and looked to the side and saw that his friends had just walked out. "J-hope, I really want to meet you now." He sighed as he walked over to his friends. He was knocked over on his side by a person who bowed and apologized and walked away after helping him up.

"So what now?" Namjoon asked as he placed his cellphone in his pocket.

"Can we go to more rides? Or can we just go to a random place?" Jimin asked and looked around.

"I want to keep going on rides." Jungkook pouted and so did Taehyung.

"I want to as well but I'm tired already." Jin yawned and turned to Yoongi.

"I'm" 'sleepy' Yoongi said in his mind but just smiled and shook his head. "I'm hungry."

"We can go to a restaurant then." Taehyung rubbed his belly. "I heard food and it made me hungry."

"Me too." Jin licked his lips and turned to the other boys. "We're going to go eat and then we can head to my house. "

"Yes sir!" Jungkook saluted and laughed along with Jimin. "But can we get ice cream later?"

"Maybe." Jin shrugged.

"Jimin hyung will you buy me Ice cream?" Jungkook pouted and hugged the older.

"Okay I'll buy you ice cream." Jimim returned the hug and turned to Namjoon. "Lend me $10." He joked as they walked out of the amusement park.


"Hyung I hope you didn't forget we have to finish our project." Namjoon spoke up as Yoongi was about to fall asleep.

Yoongi groaned on his behalf and sat up as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Well let's hurry up. I'm really tired and we never even started on this when we were supposed to."

With the heaviest sigh in the world, Yoongi kissed his sleep goodbye on that night.

A/N: please  excuse mistakes. Vote. Comment. Enjoy. :)

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