Chapter 4

180 16 14

Author's POV

Yoongi sighed as he looked at the clock. 7:24 am. He groaned as he saved the document on Namjoon's laptop and closed it shut. He stretched and was about to get some shut eye when Taehyung bounced into the living room of Jin's house.

"WAKEY WAKEY HYUNGS! OH! You're already awake?" Taehyung looked at them surprised.

"No asshole, we're still sleeping." Yoongi rolled his eyes as he looked at Namjoon who stretched. "I'm kinda hungry."

"And that's why I made pancakes." Jin's mom said in a cheery voice as she entered the living room with a sleepy Jungkook. "Come on. Let's have breakfast before we decide to go somewhere." She turned around and made her way back to the kitchen.

"Fuck." Yoongi whispered as he stood up and fought the urge to kick Taehyung  so hard. He made his way to the dining room and sat down on a chair amd let his head fall on the table.

"Morning hyung." Jimin smiled as he sat in front of Yoongi. "Hyung, what do you say if we go shoot some hoops today? You promised me you'd show me how to properly play basketball."

"Yoongi what about joining the basketball team?" Jin's dad, their school's coach suddenly asked as he sat besides Jungkook. "Out of all of your friends, you're the only one who doesn't do any sports."

"His sport is sleeping." Jin laughed as he sat down besides Yoongi and watched as Namjoon helped Mrs. Kim set the table. "I'm surprised  he hasn't broken a single plate."

"That's because they're foam plates Jinnie." Namjoon smiled as he sat down as well.

"So Yoongi? What will it be?" Mr. Kim asked the short boy who sighed.

"I want to work on music Mr. Kim. But I'll let you know if I change my mind." Yoongi showed off his gummy smile and looked down to J-Hope's bracelet. He smiled when he remembered that he took it from the younger an-

Yoongi looked at the bracelet again. And looked at the letters engraved in it. J.H.S. He looked at them and tilted his head to the side. 'J-HOPE  & SUGA?' he thought as he looked at it well and saw he wasn't dreaming.

This was indeed J-Hope's bracelet. The younger had it with him the time he turned 10 years old. He said it was a gift from his grandmother and he cherished it too much. But why  did he have J-Hope's bracelet if he only dreamed of the boy?

"Your food is going to get cold." Mrs. Kim smiled at the boy who blinked repeatedly at her. She giggled and turned to her own food.

Yoongi began eating as he looked at the bracelet on his hand. Why did he have this bracelet? He didn't know. But he was glad he had it.


"Namjoon!" Yoongi called out to the younger as he passed him the ball. Namjoon dribbled the ball before passing it to Jungkook who made the shot. They all cheered as they made victory moves.

"Boo!" Taehyung pouted as he hugged Jin. "We're winners by heart right hyung?"

"Not even in our dreams." Jin sighed as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Can we stop playing? It's 7 in the freaking evening!"

"What?" Jungkook smirked. "Afraid to get beat?"

"Jungkook I'm going to spank your .... butt if you don't shut up!" Jin said chasing the young boy around the court.

"Can we please do something else?" Taehyung panted as he held his side making Jin and Jungkook stop.

"Taehyung," Jimin rolled his eyes. "We have been playing for 20 minutes only." He lightly punched the younger amd wrapped an arm around him.

"Hey shorty," Yoongi called Namjoon. "Did you finish the model?"

Namjoon sighed. "Hey! Just because I'm shorter than all of you doesn't mean you can call me anything. And yes, I did." He rolled his eyes. "You just wait and see one of these days I will tower all of you."

"Whatever you say shorty." Yoongi said as he dribbled the ball and held it tightly. "What do you want to do Tae?"

"Hmm I want to go to the park." Taehyung pointed to the park besides the basketball court. "I want to go to the swings."

"Let's go then." Jimin said as he ruffled Taehyung's hair. They all began to walk to the park when Jin and Jungkook ran to them.

"We just looked at the tv across the street." Jin panted as he held on to Namjoon. "There was a horrible train crash."

"There were a bunch of people injured and dead too." Jungkook said as he climbed on Jimin's back.

"That's why I rather take the bus." Taehyung shrugged.

"Yeah but remember when the bus on the other end of the street crashed against that street light thing?" Yoongi pointed out as they each took all six swings and began swinging.

"Yeah I remember. The bus driver died right?" Jimin asked and recieved a nod from Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Even in a car accident you can die." Namjoon sighed.

"And walking." Jin spoke up and pointed to the sunset. "Yoongi, it's your birthday tomorrow. What do you want?"

"Nothing hyung, I have everything I need." Yoongi smiled and looked over at the sunset. "It's peaceful. I should've brought my camera."

"I am close to buying one too you know hyung?" Jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth.

"You should buy one like mine kid." Yoongi  yawned. "Maybe we should all go home and rest."

"But hyung~" Taehyung pouted. "We can't we spend more time over here before we go home?"

"Why don't you want to go home Tae?" Yoongi looked at the younger who smiled.

"Mom and dad have been arguing lately. I'm going to be a big brother but dad doesn't like the idea." Taehyung shrugged. "I'm excited but scared that mom would get rid of the baby.."

"Your mom is a strong woman." Jin patted his shoulder. "She won't let your baby brother or sister die Tae, don't worry." He smiled.

"Yeah, mom is a strong woman." Taehyung nodded. "SO WE CELEBRATE HYUNGS BIRTHDAY TOMORROW?" he yelled.

"Hush boy. And yeah, let's skip tomorrow." Jin stood up.

"I'm down." Yoongi smiled as he looked at the last rays of sunshine. "I'm so down"

A/N:  please excuse my spelling... vote ☆ comment ♡ enjoy ♧♧

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