Chapter 6

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Author's POV

Yoongi shot up from his bed. Tears formed in his eyes and he didn't dare hold them back. "NOO!" He shook his head and cried loudly.

His door opened revealing his mom and dad looking at him worried. They ran to his side and held him in a protective hug.

"What's wrong Yoongi?" Mrs. Min asked as she turned on the bedside lamp. "Are you hurt?" She asked looking over him.

"Mom he's dead." Yoongi cried and placed his left hand over his heart. He clutched his shirt tight and cried more.

"Who? J-Hope?" Mrs. Min asked as she looked over to her husband who nodded and walked out of the room.

"Yes mom.. I.. I can't...." Yoongi started hyperventilating. His heart was racing. He felt fear.

"I want you to relax son please." His mom said as she tried to reach for a glass of water. "Honey please!" She called out for her husband who ran inside of the room with their oldest son. And just when they managed to grab the young boy, he passed out in their arms.


"Anxiety attack?" Jin asked Mrs. Min the next morning.

"Yes son, he woke up crying and then it happened." Mrs. Min sighed as they entered the hospital room Yoongi was in.

"And he hasn't woken up since then?" Namjoon asked as he held on to Jungkook's hand. They had decided to skip school and make sure that Yoongi was fine.

"He's been asleep since." Yoongi's  older brother rubbed his eyes and yawned. "The doctor said he could wake up any minute."

"Hey hyung." The all greeted the older male who nodded at them.

"You guys can go rest if you'd like. We can stay here with him." Jin smiled at Yoongi's family who smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'll call you if the doctor says anything."

Sitting around Yoongi, all the boys sighed as they looked at him. Jin was about to say something but Yoongi sat up panting.

"J-Hope!" Yoongi cried out and looked around. "J-Hope." He repeated and looked at Jin who sat besides him.

"What about J-Hope?"

"I had... he... I can't." Yoongi cried as he hid his face on his pillow.

"Yoongi what exactly happened?" Jin asked as he handed him a cup  of water. "We'll wait you know.."

Yoongi nodded and took a small sip. He dried his tears and looked down.

Flash back

Yoongi had woken up in his dream. He saw J-Hope's figure at the other side of their meeting place. He frowned but walked over to the younger boy only to see  him walking down a path. Groaning, Yoongi followed the younger boy until they both reached an alley.

"J-Hope..." Yoongi called out as he stretched his arm forward. "I don't like playing games... you know this...."

"Yoongi quick!" A voice called out to him. "We have no time Yoongi quickly!"

He felt his hand being pulled. He closed his eyes as he passed  through the alley, and since someone was guiding him, he wasn't afraid to get hurt.

"Who are you?" Yoongi questioned as he tightened his hold on the hand.

"There's no time for that, we need to hurry okay?" The voice said as Yoongi opened his eyes and closed them again due to being hit with the bright sun.

He looked around for the owner of the voice but he never saw anyone. Slowly, he walked away from the alley and walked to where a crowd was gathered. A shoe was thrown in the distance. Yoongi realized it looked like Namjoon's ugly red converse. Oh how he hated them. Nevertheless he bent down and picked it up thinking that Namjoon was around. At least he wouldn't be lonely.

As he reached the crowd, he found yet another shoe. It looked like the other one but this one was drenched in blood. With a slight panic, Yoongi pushed past the people and shrieked in horror as his world came to a stop.

"J-Hope?" Yoongi began to tremble.

"Hobi?" Yoongi fell to his knees and touched the younger  boy's face. "J-Hope please." He shook him gently. "It's my birthday please don't joke around." He tried to laugh but ended up crying.

Looking around now, Yoongi saw that the street was empty. Everyone was gone and it was just him and his hope. Besides J-Hope's right  hand,  the was a gift bag. It was  addressed to Yoongi.

Taking it in his hands, Yoongi opened it and cried more. "K.. kumamon?" He looked at the younger boy. "Speak up Hope..."


Where was everyone?

"Good bye Yoongi hyung."

"J-Hope?" Yoongi looked around and down only to find himself alone. "J-HOPE!!!"

End of Flashback

Yoongi was sobbing again. He clutched on to the left side of his chest as he felt it coming again. The anxiety  attack was back.

"Shh it's okay.." Jin said as he hugged Yoongi from behind. "Just relax. Listen to my voice."  He said soothingly as everyone backed up to give Yoongi some space.

"He's dead." Yoongi gasped.

"No he's not, he's alive." Taehyung gritted his teeth as he stood up and walked out of the room. He couldn't really bear looking at someone suffering. He really wanted to grab  that stupid drawing and try searching for this Jay Hope guy that managed to break his hyungs icy personality. He was about to do it but he couldn't. He just couldn't. So instead, he just took a deep breath and made his way inside  of the room to see Yoongi silently crying.

"Can we get ice cream? Yoongi hyung do you want ice cream?" Jungkook asked the older who shrugged. "Jimin hyung, let's go get ice cream for everyone." He nudged the  older who stood up and smiled at Yoongi.

"We'll be back." Jimin said taking Jungkook's hand in his and walking out together.

"I think they're dating." Taehyung giggled as he poked Yoongi's cheek. "Jamless boy and bunny boy together. Who would've ever thought?" He sighed.

"At least they're happy." Yoongi smiled slightly. "I uh.. I'm so tired." He yawned.

"Sleep for a little  bit." Jin said as he held Namjoon's hand.

"Wake me up if I start trashing around. I don't think I can have this dream again." Yoongi  said in a small voice as he closed his eyes.

Once the boy had managed to fall asleep, Jin covered him up with a blanket and turned off the lights. They whispered amongst each other as they kept an eye on the paled skin boy. 

At first it was okay, the boy never showed any sign of having a nightmare. So they let him rest for a little longer. But when it came to wake the boy up, he wouldn't even stir.

That night, Yoongi slept for about 20 hours onto the next  day.  That must've been the last time he actually slept before deciding that he hated it.

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