Chapter 7

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Author's POV

"So, a recurring person who keeps showing up in your dreams could reflect a feeling or desire that has not been successfully resolved in your waking "real" life. Unresolved feelings are uncomfortable and we tend to replay them in our subconscious minds." The psychologist explained to Jin and Namjoon. They sat down staring wide eyed. The psychologist sighed and leaned back on his chair. "People you see in your dreams can also signify the future and something you are excited about." He continued and the boys nodded. 

"But Yoongi kept seeing this boy ever since he was like eight years old." Jin said and the doctor nodded.

"He could have seen this boy once in his life. The human brain can not make up faces, there fore he must have seen this boy somewhere." The psychologist expalined and wrote down some notes. "Thank you very much for telling me boys, I'll consult this with other experienced psychologists and a few doctors to see how we can help Mr. Min. Have a good day."

"You too sir." Jin  and Namjoon bowed and exited out.

"Do you think that Yoongi saw J-Hope before then?" Jin asked as they made their way down the hall.

"There's a posibility. Maybe he saw Moonbyul as a child. You know how Noona has a few facial features like J-Hope." Namjoon explained.

"Or that Jiwoo Noona." Jin sighed as he pressed on the elevator button to go down. "Do you think Yoongi woke up?"

"I don't think so." Namjoon sighed as he watched the doors close. "Any ways, let's gst some lunch. Jimin texted me saying they're down at the cafeteria."

"Ok." Jin nodded as they pressed the main floor button. "Let's eat~"




A new dream began.

Yoongi saw J-Hope waving at him from the other side of the street. He smiled when he saw the boy walking towards him. But them he remembered.

"No! J-Hope No!!" Yoongi panicked but it was all in vain. He tried to run but he felt that a huge weight had been pressed down on him. "NO HOBI PLEASE STOP!" he cried as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

The car made contact with J-Hope's body sending him flying a few feet away. Yoongi let his body fall to the floor as he saw the boy.

"Noo! This is just a dream! It's not real!" Yoongi shook his head and found himself at their usual spot. He  wiped his tears and looked around for the boy. He cried when he saw the nightmare begining again.

Of which I begged to wake up

I was having a nightmare... (...)...

Yoongi opened his eyes and closed them again due to the light. He groaned as he sat up and reached for the water besides his bed.

He was tired, exhausted. He looked to his hands and almost jumped out of his own skin as he saw blood in them. 

"J-hope..." Yoongi trailed off as tears formed in his eyes. "I refuse to see you die." He fisted his hands and wiped his tears. "That does it, even if I have to stop sleeping."

There was a knock at the door to which before he replied, the door  opened revealing his parents.

"Ready to go back home?" Mrs. Min asked and he nodded. "Your friends are waiting down in the loby with your brother."

"Yeah let's just.. go.." Yoongi said as he hid his hands and looked at his parents with a bored expression. "Go out so I can change."

"Okay, but hurry." His mother said as she walked out with her husband.

Yoongi sighed and stood up and made his way to the restroom. He washed his hands and changed from the hospital gown into his own clothes.


When he reached home, Yoongi just walked up to his room and sat behind his desk. He pulled out his notebook and tapped his pencil against his head.

"J-Hope." Yoongi  said outloud as he wrote his name down. "Maybe I can just..." he trailed off as he wrote down a single word on the top of his lyric notebook.

By the end of the hour, Yoongi  had papers scattered all over the floor. He looked at his notebookand nodded. This was it.

Don’t think of anything
Don’t say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile

I still can’t believe it
All of this seems like a dream
Don’t try to disappear

Is it true Is it true
You You
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared
Untrue Untrue
You You You

Will you stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you

Butterfly like a Butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly
Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly bu butterfly

You’re just like a Butterfly
From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you?

Yoongi was contemplating on writing more but was brought to a stop by a knock on his door.


"Are you hungry?" His mother asked behind the door to which he sighed.

(A/N: Angry Hungry Yes I'm Hangry!.... ok I just had to do that)

"Yeah, is the food ready?" Yoongi asked as he opened his door.

"We  wanted to go eat out. Your brother leaves tomorrow so we thought about eating somewhere expensive." His mother explained.

"Do I have to dress up?"

"Wear whatever you want to but it must be clean." His mother smiled as she handed him something. "It will cover that mark on your neck."

"Which mark?" Yoongi shrieked as he fast walked to his mirror. He looked around and saw it. It was already fading but it was clearly visible. Looking down to the foundation, Yoongi made a face and looked back to his mother who was picking around his room.

"What Yoongi?" His mom giggled as she oicked up the pieces of notebook paper and setting them down in Yoongi's desk. She knew her son would probably need these for future references.

"How do you uh... put this on?"

"You apply a little bit to your face and rub it." Mrs. Min explained as she stood in front of her son and showed him how to. "Now that we covered that, change, we need to go."

"Yes ma'am." Yoongi nodded as his mom walked out. He sighed when he found himself alone, he hated it but he couldn't help for it to feel somehow relaxing.

"He's not dead." Yoongi shook his head and quickly changed. "He's very much alive. J-Hope is real." He said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Maybe I haven't met him but I will someday. Maybe. Maybe." He said as he unconsciously pulled on J-Hope's bracelet.

"Yoongi let's go!" He heard his older brothers voice from downstairs.

"ON MY WAY!" He shouted back and picked up his phone. He looked at  himself one more time and walked out of his room. He judt wanted to clear his head from this. Because he knew that his Hope was not dead.

"But it seemed so real right?"

Yoongi  heard his voice and turned back around. He swore he was going crazy. Maybe going out with his family would help him clear his mind. So without looking back, Yoongi made his way out of his home, and out to reality.

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