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MariaFernandaIassano requested a jealous moment and I wanna thank my good friend mariaaaaaaaaa28 for helping me out with this one.So Leena gets jealous of Felina.
"Third Person's POV"

Leena was on her way to find Max,they were gonna do another one of there races together but as soon as she got down to the lower part of the castle she stopped on her tracks.
"Leena's POV"

Max was with Felina discussing about something while trying to carry a heavy log,they were whispering something to eachother and Max kept laughing,I narrowed my eyes wanting to figure out what they were talking so I walked over towards them I planned to talk to them " So what about Leena?" I froze hearing my name from that tiger and I instantly changed plans,hiding behind one of the walls spying on those two.
"Third Person's POV"

The more Leena saw Max or Felina laugh when the other says something,Leena's claws dug deep on the wall leaving claw marks and she growled,her tail moving so fast with anger soaring through her body.To throw her anger at something she kicked the wall she was hiding behind but a bucket of mud that was on top of a shelf near her fell right on her head from the impact"Argh!""Leena?" She froze turning to Max who spotted her along with Felina she was so embarrassed she ran off"Leena!"
"Leena's POV"

I went to the training area upstairs lying against the wall my whole body slipping on the floor,the bucket fell off me when I was running."Stupid.Stupid...Stupid!"  I hit my head three times before crying the mud was still on me it was drying up,I can't belive I got jealous from seeing Max and Felina together sure I'm not born of royalty but I helped him save the kingdom so what was he doing with the white tiger queen and what were they whispering about?"Leena?"I froze and peeked behind the table I was near, Max was there and I realized that I left a trail of mud while running...I don't need him finding me.
"Max's POV"

"Leena?" I called again my eyes wandering all over the mud trail stopped at the door,at first I thought she must've went outside but then I spotted a tail...a lion's tail.I slowly went over there and my heart ache at seeing Leena's head buried in her arms her legs up to her chest " Um Leena?" She looked up to me and instantly back up the wall refusing to look at me " Leena what's the matter?""Go away Max!""Huh?Leena what's this all about?""Go away Max!...with Felina" she snapped at me furious tears trailing her cheeks but I cocked any eyebrow when mention Felina.
"Leena's POV"

"Leena please I wanna help,whatever I did I wanna fix it" He knelt down to me his hand titling my face towards him"I saw you with Felina and I guess I got...jealous from seeing her with you" I blushed having to say that to him,he sind nothing but just smiled and cleaned the mud off my shoulders and hair when he finish moving some of the mud off me he finally spoke "Leena I only asked Felina to help me prepare the race that you and I were doing together ""And the laughing?""Just talking Felina the mishaps I had in some of our races" I had to laugh a little from him but I frowned recalling she my name was mention.
"Max's POV"

"But I heard my name get mention" I blushed a bit wondering if I should tell her but seeing her so upset I didn't want to upset her more " I was telling Felina how amazing you are when we do our races" she stared at me surprise I gently brushed my fingers on her cheek moving some mud to see the pink blush on her cheeks " Max I..""Leena it's ok I'm not mad that you were jealous" I helped her stand up I kissed her cheek she giggled but I was surprised when she jumped on me and kissed me on the lips "beside Felina is just a friend you...your more than that" she smiled at me hugging me " Let's get you cleaned up" I took her to get some new change of clothes and started our race.

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