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Merry Christmas everyone!
"Third Person's POV

The entire kingodm was decorated with Christmas lights and snow decorated the ground and ceilings.Everyone was at the Palace,Max decided to throw a big Christmas party and his friends helped him out with alot even getting Christmas presents for the children.Twitch was singing a Christmas song while throwing around some holly from a ball,Spike behind him while getting food on his plate.Higga was dressed up as Santa handing the presents to the kids,Zinti and Tazer helped decorate the tree and Max was at the staircase watching.
"Max's POV"

I had this huge smile on me from seeing everyone so happy,"Slow down Bella!" I chuckled when Spike yelped from Bella running past him with some ribbon in her hands,his plate fell on the floor but it warmed my heart to see Kara rushing to help him. I went downstairs and looked around,some parents came towards me thanking me for throwing this party.I notice Leena wasn't around...where is she?I went to Higga as he was eating some cookies " Hey professor have you seen Leena?""Why no Max I haven't seen her" he dusted off some crumbs off his beard."We know" my ears perked at two voices and I saw Zinti and Bella,I knelt down smiling at them"Oh?And where is she?"Zinti pointed to where Leena was which was the balcony.I smiled at them both,I noticed two presents behind me " Hey Higga who's presents are those?""Oh those two haven't been picked yet" I grabbed them and handed them to the two pups " Here you go.Merry Christmas".
"Third Person's POV"

The seal pup and fox kit smiled at the presents as Max made his way over to the lioness.Meanwhile,Leena was at the balcony humming jingle bells a present in her hands.Max was right behind her with a present in his hands"Leena" he called out to her and she turn around smiling at him"Max,what are you doing here?""I thought I check on you" Max walked up to her " You look festive tonight""Aw thanks.Thought I get into the holiday spirit" Leena wore a black sleeveless dress but at the skirt there was Christmas lights on it blinking,a mistletoe clip on her hair which was loose and black flats with snowflake buttons on them.
"Leena's POV"

"I um I got you a present Max" I told him pink blush staining my cheeks as I handed him a golden box with red ribbon " Thanks Leena.Oh!I have one for you too" I stared at him surprised as he handed me a blue box with silver ribbon.Max smiled at me chuckling a little from my expression before he began opening his present,his eyes sparkled in surprise"Leena!This is amazing!"
"Max's POV"

In the box there was this bracelet with an orange jewel,the material for the bracelet was this vine and it smelled like jasmine...reminds me of home " It's from the jungle you grew up in.The jewel I found it with help from Professor Higgabottom and the vine I used it from the very same tree you grew up in with your adopted parents " she explained to me while looking away,her cheeks pink."Leena..."
"Leena's POV"

"...Thanks.This is really sweet of you" I blushed from his thanks and decided to open my present.I gasped.I pulled this beautiful hair clip made of smooth silver fabric and there was these beautiful white poofy balls on them...that smell...is that..."Is that...lilies?!" I sniffed it and was really surpised the find the scent of my favorite flower"Y-Yeah I added some into those little pom poms,I thought you I might like it" Max rubbed the back of his head " do you like it?""I love it" I placed the clip in my hair but I wasn't sure how.
"Third Person's POV"

Max notice her struggling and helped placed the clip on the right side of her hair,his fingers brushing down on her bangs and leaving a tickling feeling on her chin before it left back to its owner.The feeling brought pink tint on the lioness's cheeks while Max smiled at her but then his attention turned up and he chuckled,Leena looked up to see why and froze at seeing a mistletoe " Um...you um if you don't want to do it that's o-!" Leena tried to get out of it blushing but cut off when Max kissed her,his hand on her waist while the other cradled her cheek.Leena had surpised on her face but her eyes fluttered shut as her arms wrapped around him.They finally broke apart the lioness stared at the lion wide eye but Max just smiled laughing a little from her face,the sound of his laugh brought the feline out of her frozen state leaving a smile on her " Merry Christmas Leena""Merry Christmas Max" they shared another kissed before walking back in the party.

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