A Princess is Born

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This is for my good friend Floweys2.So Max and Leena have their cub Nathalia.Nathalia belongs to Floweys2
"Third Person's POV"

In the Lion Kingdom,Max and Kara were carrying some barrels of fruit to a cart,they got back from the jungle for a smoothie maker.As Max placed the last barrel he heard noises"MAX!" HE turn to see Tazer,Twitch and Spike running towards him with panic on their faces " Guys what's wrong?" The lion asked worried,the chameleon and hedgehog were out of breath but the fox wasn't " It's Leena.She's having the baby and Max!" Max's face had fear and concern,Tazer led him and the elephant general to the Palace with all the speed they got...well Kara not so much.The elephant stopped panting at the stairs outside Max stopped to help " Go on without me...pant....Leena she will need you" Max proceeded on as the four of them continued the Lion got ahead of them all.
"Max's POV"

Leena please be ok!Please be sure! I made to our bedroom but I was stopped by Higgabottom " Professor?" I heard Leena scream and tried to get to the door but I felt small hands on mine and saw Bella and Zinti looking at me worried"Don't worry Max your mother,Kayla,Icela and Felina are there to support Leena it will be alright" I sat down against the wall worried for her " Don't worry Max it will be ok""Yeah Leena's tough" the two pups comforted me I saw Tazer,Twitch and Spike caught up with me along with Kara.Everyone waited while hearing Leena's screams,I kept breathing deep and stared at Zinti and Bella"Bella.Zinti can you tell me what happen"
"Third Person's POV"

The two pups told everyone what happen
The three girls were walking in the royal garden,the lioness had her hand on her stomach where her cub was.The girls had Queen Queefa with them,the former queen was helping Leena out since she's been through this " Hey Leena where's Max""Oh he's with Kara getting fruit from the jungle he grew up in""My son surely knows where to find tropical things"  all four girls laughed at this but suddenly Leena fell on the ground with only her left arm supporting"Leena!Are you alright?" Queefa bend down to the young lioness,Leena started to groan in pain as it grew louder " Guys I think the baby's coming!" All three girls brought the lioness back inside and had the fox prince and the duo find Max.
End of Flashback
Everyone got quiet when they heard Leena stopped screaming.
"Max's POV"

I stood up worried for Leena and our cub then suddenly my mother came out of the room with a large smile"I'm looks like I have a granddaughter now" I smiled hearing this"Your not the only one Queefa" I chuckled as Kayla came placing an arm around my mother,I turn to my friends as they motion me to go first to see my cub.I walked in with Icela and Felina smiling at me,I saw Leena on our bed breathing hard.Her hair was mess and she was a violet shirt,I was nervous to disturb her or anything I felt guilty I wasn't there for her"Leena"
"Leena's POV"

I turn away from my cub and smiled at seeing Max,I was so glad to see him he just stood with a nervous smile"Well?What are you waiting for...Jungle Boy" we both chuckled when I said his nickname,he came to my side and kissed me on the lips " Are you feeling ok?""Just tired but I'll be ok""Leena I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you during the delivery" he turn away guilty but I gently stroke his cheek with a smile"It's ok.At least your here now to see our cub" he smiled at me holding on my hand that was on my cheek.He knelt down to get a better look,our cub was wrapped in purple cloth I moved some of it away to see her face " It's a girl" I told him as he smiled at our baby.
"Max's POV"

I couldn't belive it.My cub was finally here with my Leena both of them alright,the cub looked at me with big bright eyes and I could see a small tough of brown hair on her"She's beautiful...like you" I nuzzled Leena and carefully brought my finger near our daughter's cheek to touch her,she started to giggle and made me smile more " Hey Jungle Boy.Think it's time we show our friends?" Leena motion her head to our friends peeking out of the door " Come on in guys.After all its looks you guys may be the babysitters" Twitch,Spike,Zinti and Bella rushed in first to see the baby " Wow she's so tiny""Hi there little princess""You want a snack?""Spike she's too young to eat" we all laughed at what they said " Hey Max think maybe your kid might need someone to look after her?"Tazer told me with a calm expression " I might need you to train her plus I hope I get to do the same once you and Adira get one " Tazer blushed surprised but smiled nodding his head as way of agreement.
"Third Person's POV"

"What are you gonna name her?" Twitch asked out of the blue and the two lions looked at eachother the two realizing they hadn't come up with any names at all for their cub.But Max manage to find a good one"Nathalia""Nathalia?" Leena looked at her husband with a raised eyebrow " Why not?It has a nice ring to it plus she may be like you in every way" Leena looked at her husband resting her upper body of his arm as he supported,she looked back at her daughter who cooed at the sight " Princess Nathalia....I love it" the lions nuzzled eachother holding their cub in there arms....the future queen of the kingdom.

So I researched the meaning of Nathalia but it meant birthday so I struggled with that and decided not to add the meaning.Hope u like it Floweys2

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