Mom vs Dad (request)

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Request from GSBUBLE. Selina, melody and elisa are her ocs
Max and Leena were walking to the training arena. Their ears perked at some laughter and they looked over at their left and saw their kids. The royal siblings were playing chase around the palace. The king and queen smiled at their cubs.

"You know our kids really grew up amazing" Max commented proudly. Raising so many kids wasn't easy but they manage and all of them turned out amazing. "Yeah. That's because they were raised by the best" Leena added, smiling proudly. "Me" they both said.

"Wait what?" They both said surprised and looked at eachother puzzled. "Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. I raised them the best" Max said firmly. "Um no I did" Leena insisted annoyed, putting a hand on her hip.

Max scoffed at her "Leena I'm the one who taught them how to explore through the jungle. How to use the lion staff. And how make acorn pie" Max listed on his fingers.

"Yeah well I taught them how to use a magic bow and arrow, pilot the Phoenix and trained them combat" Leena listed doing the same thing with her fingers. Then she smirked at him and crossed her arms. "Plus acorn pie is not a skill" she taunted and Mas gasped offended at her.

"How dare you. Making acorn pie takes a lot of skill and is delicious" Max insisted angrily and the two lions glared at eachother. Meanwhile, the sisters were still chasing eachother and stopped at seeing their parents glaring at eachother.

"Um what you guys doing?" Elisa asked puzzled, tilting her head. Leena looked at her cubs "kids who's the favorite parent? Me or him?" Leena asked them and the kids got surprised at the question.

"Leena! Don't get the kids involved!" Max told her surprised. He leaned over to Elisa "But if you're thinking, pick me" he whispered. "Max!" Leena yelled angry. "Ow!" Max said as suddenly a pyschic magic slapped him on the cheek, his kids winced at that except Selina who chuckled amused. Leena smirked at him, her hand had pink magic swirling around it.

Max growled at her annoyed. The kids huddled around and started whispering and debating. The sisters finished and looked at their parents. "Have you guys tried sparring?" Melody suggested and Max and Leena looked at eachother puzzled.

The whole family was at the training arena. The sisters were watching from the benches while Max and Leena were facing eachother with the lion staff and magic bow and arrow.

"Mom and dad aren't going to hurt eachother right?" Elisa asked worriedly. "No way. No matter what competition it could be, they would never hurt eachother. Both their weapons are lowered so they won't eachother" Selina told her calmly, her arms crossed.

"Ok. Ready. Go!" Melody yelled and the lions charged at eachother. Max's staff emitted magic and threw it at Leena. The lioness leaped up and turned around in midair and shot some magic arrows at him.

Max spun his staff to shield himself from the arrows. Leena used her pyschic magic to launch herself at him so once Max lowered his staff, Leena pushed him back and jumped off him.

The two glared at eachother and continued fighting while the sisters watched. Minutes became hours and the sun started to set and it became nightfall. The sisters had fallen asleep while the lions kept fighting.

But Max and Leena were both getting exhausted, panting and losing energy. Max let out a roar like yawn "Don't do that. Yawn you're gonna make me yawn" Leena told him sleepily as she yawned.

The two weakly brought their weapons to eachother but their hands were sore from holding it for hours and the weapons fell to the ground. Max and Leena fell on the ground tired, their backs against eachother.

Max looked over and notice his daughters all fast asleep. He let out a tired chuckled and Leena looked at him "What?" She asked him puzzled. Max motioned to the girls and Leena looked at their direction and smiled at it.

"You know Leena. I don't think the girls need to decided who the best parent is. We're both the best parents. We raised the most amazing kids, taught them a lot..." Max started and then he felt Leena hold his hand and squeeze it.

"And taught them how to make acorn pie. I won't lie. Acorn pie is delicious. And maybe is a skill" Leena whispered to him and he chuckled at her as the two helped eachother stand up. Max and Leena pecked eachother on the lips before picking up their daughters, Max carrying Selina in his arms with Melody on his back and Leena carrying Elisa, the family went back to the castle for some sleep.

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