Your Girlfriend

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So my good friend and one of the best artists I have seen Floweys2 asked me to do a moment where Max asks Leena to be his girlfriend so ta da!
"Max's POV"

I sat on my bed,my arms behind my head with thoughts in it,I was thinking about asking Leena to be my girlfriend.After we saved Atlantos twice first stopping Khan and then Shadow Master again,I felt more closer to Leena and when we were at the ocean and she got hurt I thought I was gonna lose her.Only I was nervous and wasn't sure if she felt the same about me but I closed my eyes recalling all the moments we spent how she risks her life for me or our friends,being able to come up with these plans and always by my side,I nodded my head confirming my decision...I'm gonna tell her.
"Third Person's POV"

Max left his room going down to the castle,he went looking all over the Palace for the lioness until he spotted her outside at the royal garden she was sitting down reading a book of some plants at the desert near the kingodm,she was distracted a bit until her ears perked at footsteps and turn her head at Max she closed her book and had her eyes on him.
"Leena's POV"

"Hi Max,I thought you were sleeping?" He was rubbing his head all nervous like " Well I had lot of thoughts in my head" I stared at him confused his cheeks blushing " I wanna tell you something" he had his hand out to me,asking if I can follow him.I nodded and held his hand as he led the way to the fountain in the middle of the garden,we sat down admiring the stars and the moon for awhile,the two of us barely saying anything.
"Third Person's POV"

Leena knew Max wanted to tell her something and whatever it was,he was really nervous to tell her"Alright Max what are you hiding?" The young king froze as she said that and saw she was staring at him sucpiously " Well I...""Max" Max stared at her seeing she was a little concern,her eyes had a sparkle in them and they seemed to help Max calm down " Leena,since I met you always've been by my side.Supporting me and helping me,giving me the courage I need.Seeing you get hurt makes me feel scared that I might lose you so I willing to leap in and take the hit just to save you..."
"Leena's POV"

My heart was melting from his words and my cheeks had a pink tint on them.Where was he going with this?He grabbed my hands in his,our eyes in contact " Leena your amazing,smart,clever,beautiful,brave and greatest friend I can have but I...wanna be more than just friends.Will you girlfriend?" I can't belive what I was hearing, I always wondered how Max thought about me but now I know how much I mean to him and now I know he...loves me back like I do.
"Max's POV"

I stared at her waiting for a replay and she looked away from me I was sure she would reject me but not in a harsh way"Max...""Yeah?" I turn to face her and she kissed me on the lips,her hands on my cheeks I was surprised but happy I closed my eyes my hand on her waist.We broke apart  and she stood up, smiling at me " Yes Max I would love to be your girlfriend and all those things you said I feel the same way about you" she blushed when saying those last words and I had a huge smile on me all becuase she loved me back.I stood up,carrying her and lifting he off the ground spinning around both of us laughing in the night ever with my girlfriend and best friend Leena.

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