Chapter Sixteen: A Friend in an Unlikely Place

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Meanwhile, back at the Dragon Auction...

Hiccup peaks his head out of the bushes and looks around before motioning to someone behind him. Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout sneak out, Tuffnut and Ruffnut exaggerating their movements. They look around in perfectly coordinated movements before Tuffnut yells, "Aha!" and runs over to a cage. He flings the covering on top off and looks inside. The cage is empty. Hiccup facepalms.

"Hmm..." says Tuffnut. "They have made it so it looks like our dragon isn't there. Clever!" He pauses. "Or, perhaps they knew we would know that, so they hid our dragon somewhere else." He pauses again. "Or, maybe they knew we would know that they knew we know, so our dragons are right in front of us and we can't see them." This time he pauses extra long. "Or maybe they know that we know that they know that we know that... wait, what were we talking about again?"

By this point in time, Hiccup, Snotlout, and Ruffnut had looked in all of the cages in the area and freed all the dragons in them except for two. "Hey, uh, bro?" asks Ruff. "I think we found our dragons." She rips off the covering to reveal Barf and Belch.

"Barf, Belch!" exclaims Tuffnut. He runs over, throws the now unlocked cage door open, and hugs Belch and Barf who nudge him affectionately.

Snotlout takes the covering off the other cage and exclaims, "Hooky!" He tries to pet his dragon through the cage, but Hookfang growls at him. "Sorry, sorry. I'll open the cage now."

He opens the cages to let his dragon free, and Hiccup gives a sigh of relief. "Draira must've really delayed the auction. They don't even look like they're going to do it anymore."

"It's like all the Hunters left without the dragons," says Astrid, coming out of the bushes on top of Stormfly. The rest of the Dragon Riders also come out, all on top of their respective dragons. Toothless comes over to Hiccup and Hiccup hops onto him.

The Skrill comes over to them and growls, sparking all over. "Hey, easy there," says Hiccup. Then, he frowns. "Hey, speaking of, has anyone seen Draira?" The riders all shake their heads and a chorus of 'no's are heard.

"I haven't seen her since she stormed off to climb that mountain," says Tuffnut, pointing at the rocky mountain in the center of the island.

Worry makes its way into Hiccup's eyes. "Ok, new plan," he says. "I'll go with Astrid and the Skrill to the mountain to try and find Draira. The rest of you, keep freeing dragons." Everyone nods their heads and takes off.

Hiccup, the Skrill, and Astrid make a beeline straight towards the top of the mountain. Once there, they circle around, trying to find any trace of Draira. Suddenly, the Skrill sparks and dives down, grabbing something in her claws. Hiccup and Astrid squint to try and see what the Skrill picked up. "Draira's daggers?" Astrid exclaims. She takes them gently from the Skrill and the dragon dives again, picking up something else. "And her gold?" questions Astrid, taking the bag the Skrill had picked up and looking into it.

Astrid and Hiccup share a worried look with each other. "Let's land on the top," suggests Hiccup. Astrid nods in agreement. They both fly up to the top, the Skrill following close behind. Toothless and Stormfly land neatly on the top while the Skrill circles overhead. Hiccup and Astrid climb off their dragons and start looking for clues.

They look around, failing to notice a man, probably one of Evlrock's by his dark green clothes, that look uncannily similar to the clothes Tolrock's men wear, and the bandana wrapped around his face. His bright blue eyes are wide open and fearful and his brown hair is matted as though he had just woken up. He appears to try and sneak away but rustles the bushes, startling Hiccup and Astrid. They turn sharply around. Hiccup takes out a sword and lights it on fire while Astrid grips her axe tightly. Evlrock's man pales as he realizes his mistake. Slowly and carefully, he takes the bow from off his back and aims an arrow. He releases it quickly and runs from his spot to the side of the cliff. He was clearly not aiming for the riders or their dragons however as the arrow instead strikes Hiccup's sword which lands in the rider's supply of Monstrous Nightmare gel, igniting it.

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