Chapter 6

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Chapter Status: Edited

Sweden's POV

I stand outside of Russia's house, my hand hesitating in front of the door. Finally, I allow myself to knock. After a moment, a young, slight boy answers me. He can't be any older than fifteen. He stands alert, his hands visibly shaking.

"H-hello Mr. Sweden. Please c-come in," he stutters. "M-mr. Russia is expecting you. Please f-follow me, he is in h-his study."

I follow him inside. Why does Russia want this wimp? He is weak, and can't even talk without stuttering. Not to mention how small he is. Oh Russia, what were you thinking with this one?

"H-here is Mr. Russia's s-study," (you alright there, Latvia?) I nod, and let myself in.

He stands, reading a small black book with no title or sleeve, his back to the door. I walk farther into the room, and stand on the opposite side of the desk from him. He glances back, and smiles at me.

"Hello Meester Sweden. I have those peectures you asked for," Russia grins. I nod before he begins rummaging through a desk drawer.

"Ah! Here it is!" He holds up an album.

He hands it to me, and before leaving, I flip through the pages. Some are normal pictures of Manchester. A bulky attractive young man. He had dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. I see various pictures, but not all of them are normal. I see one of him outside on Russia's lawn, scratching his head. Then I see one of him sleeping.

I feel my eyes widen, and I slowly back out of Russia's study.

"What's wrong Sweden?" He asks nonchalantly.

"Er... Noth'ng" I tremble.

I quickly make my way out of his house, as now I see why they're all afraid of him. I don't bother to buckle my seatbelt as I speed off. I constantly eye the small album, making sure it doesn't attack me or something. I don't know, I feel like Russia put curses on it or something.

* * *

After finally making my way home, I still feel shaken, so I sit in the car for a few minutes. I flip through the album, and find most of the pictures are normal, with the exception of a few stalker pictures. We have enough.

Finally, I make my way to the building and let myself in. Instead of taking the elevator, I take the stairs. This way, if I still appear afraid, I'll be fine when I get there.

Norways POV

Sweden got the photos rather quickly, if you ask me. About an hour after he left, he walked right back into the door, carrying a small album. He looked slightly shaken, although I could see he tried covering it up. I want to ask what happened, but but I won't, seeing as he tried to hide it

He carelessly sets the album on the kitchen counter. I find myself drifting towards it. While flipping through the album, I notice a few um... Obscure pictures? Stalker pictures? I don't know what to call them. For the time being, I ignore this, and set the album back down.

After a few minutes, I hear a gasp. Probably the photo album. Later on, I notice Iceland is still working on the collage/mural-y thing. He sits in the living room, pushing the photos down onto the poster board.

I feel a grin work it's way across my face. He really does care a lot about this. He is almost never working so hard on something like this. I'm just glad he found away to benefit others through his own hard work.

"Big broth-"


Anonymous POV

I sit on a park bench, reading the daily paper, every so often looking up to observe him. Sealand runs around the playground as England yells at him to behave. How pathetic. I chuckle softly. He doesn't seem to be phased by England yelling at him, I make a mental note of this. I feel the corner of my mouth shoot up into a smirk.

The question still nags at me. How and when do I kill him? Do I want there to be a certain setting? Will I trap him and murder him then? If I do trap him, how will I lure him there? Into a trap I mean, if that's what I choose to do.

If Sealand doesn't work to bring down the Nordics, what will? Iceland seems to be the main person trying to help Oslo, so if killing Sealand doesn't work, I'll have to kill Turkey. However, I don't want to kill to many people... To soon, that is.

Maybe I could come up with a slowly killing poison and put it in her mothers morning coffee. That would undoubtedly get to her. Some may think I'm planning to far in the future, but on the contrary. You can never have to much planned.


(A/N) OOOOOOH who do you think it's gonna be?! The murderer, I mean! HINT: It's an actual hetalia character, not an RP or 2P or something!

Sorry this chapter might be a little short, I just don't have the attention span to write like, ten page chapters! ^-^ >-< however, it's spring break so I can try to update almost everyday. ANYWHORE... I hope you enjoyed cuz... RESPECT THE SWEDEN!!!

Sweden: wh't

Me: *fangirls again* HES TALKING TO ME!!!!

Sweden: ...

Me: O.O you gonna talk again?

Denmark: don't worry about him, he's... *dramatic hair flip*Different...

Me: AGH! Don't listen to him, Sweden! He's being... *Looks into distance*


Sorry about the badly written chapter... I will have better chapters in the future.

-Miss Catastrophe

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