Chapter 15

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(A/N) Before I start off my chapter, I would like to give a massive THANK YOU to all of my readers. I feel so loved because people are taking the time to read the story that I'm practically slaving over. Thank you all soooooooo sooooooo SOOOOOOO much for all the votes, reads and comments! Let's try to get FIVE HUNDRED reads by May fourth, okay? Okay. Also, important authors note at the end, you'll see when you get there! ^-^

-Miss Catastrophe

Chapter Status: Not Edited


Sweden's POV

Ever since the news about Sealand's death, everyone has been moping around like Iceland usually does. Ah. Iceland, the ruler of tragedy. Or so it seems. He always looks miserable, but I don't even know why. What did we ever do to him to make him so sad all the time?

I hear footsteps, and notice Denmark approaching the front door. I look between him, and the sliver of a moon outside of our window. What could he be doing? I can't think of anything he could be doing. Whatever, people /do/ have their secrets.

Suddenly, I hear a knock at the door. Denmark probably forgot something and locked himself out. I make my way to the door, and find myself surprised to see that it's not in fact the Dane.

"May ve enter?" A young, obviously German, girl asks, standing by a similar blonde, except older and male.

"Um... Yeah," I mumble, stepping out of their way, allowing them to come in.

They enter, and they begin eyeing the small apartment. Who did I just let in? It seems as though they read my thoughts, because the man turns to me.

"I am Germany, zhis is my sister and partner, Berlin," he gestures to the girl. "Ve are investigating zhe recent deazhs of St. Petersburg and Sealand. If you would allow us, ve vould like to ask some questions to everyone who lives here."

I nod, and go to retrieve everyone who's home. Iceland, Norway and Finland follow me into the main room where Germany and Berlin sit patiently.

The questioning carries on for what seems like ages, and we sit yawning and answering their every question to our best ability. Now they're asking about relations to people involved, like Mr. Britain, Russia, Oslo and her mom, people like that.

"Did any of you know a young com an by zhe name of 'Greenland',?" Berlin questions.

"Well, she was Denmark's girlfriend until she went missing," Finland supplies. The rest of us nod in agreement.

Greenland was always so great. I wonder what happened to her. It seems as though she just doesn't even exist. She was my favorite girlfriend Denmark ever had. Usually the girls he met were stupid, and ditsy, or they wear just to mean to everyone here. Especially Finland. My poor wife. But Greenland was different from all of those girls. She was kind, and she cared about all of us, and she truly loved Denmark. That was something I could tell none of the other girls did.

"Can you tell us why you asked? Or is it sensitive information?" Norway asks, curiously.

"/Extremely/ sensitive information, ve cannot tell you," Germany says forcefully.

After another half hour of questioning, they leave. They're coming back though. They said they needed to so they could talk to Denmark.

Unfortunately, this has been another sleepless night. They left just as the sun was rising. I'm used to not sleeping though. I just don't. I'm afraid I won't wake up, so I don't risk anything. It's an irrational fear, and I haven't learned to cope with it yet. Sleep just terrifies me, and I just can't bring myself to fall into a nightly slumber.

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