Chapter 27

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(A/N) I will be going offline for a few days, so I figured I would post this for you. If you really want to know why, you can DM me, and I'll get back to you when I return. I WILL continue reading and commenting and voting just so ya know.

Chapter Status: Not Edited

London's POV

I'm here to tell you a tragic story.

It was when I was fifteen years old. It was about one AM, and I was walking home from a party with a friend. I had just dropped her off at her house, only a block from my own.

We lived in a very high class neighborhood, you see, so it was okay for me to be out at that hour, as long as I wasn't leaving, and was in fact coming back. My brother, Manchester was waiting for me on our porch, and all I had to do was get home so he could let me in.

My life would be easier if things went according to plan.

I was walking home, my light blue dress swirling around me. It was Halloween costume party, and I had dressed as Alice, from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. I had never watched the movie or read the book, but I loved the outfit.

My black Mary-Janes clicked along the pavement as I strided quickly in the direction of my house. I was just passing an alley-way, because there were two houses that were closer together than the rest, and a path went between them.

A man pulled me into the alley-way. I came out differently.

(A/N she's basically implying that she was raped, but because I DO NOT write smut, yaoi, sprites, nor rape stories, I will NOT describe it.)

I sat, crying in the alley. Why had this happened to me? I didn't do anything wrong! My costume wasn't even slutty, as my dress fell to my calves and the top was near my collar bones. Tears fell all around me, and I felt as though I was in fact Alice.

I felt like I was Alice during the part where she was too big to go through the door at the beginning, as she had eaten a cake which made her grow. So, she cried, and cried, and cried. Thus, creating an ocean of tears. (A/N if you couldn't tell, I have read the book multiple times.)

What was my family going to say? I would have to be honest with them, because I was certainly going to grow, if I was in fact pregnant.

The following week, I found the time and went to the drug store. I did the whole pregnancy testing shpeel, and I tested positive.

Time Skip

I sat, exhausted in the hospital bed, unable to cradle my baby girl in my arms. Oslo had been born two months premature. Her due date was in August, however, she was born in early June. This made things far more difficult for me, as my family had to put money into this mistake. Little did I know, I would soon grow to love and nurture it.

I had stayed strong, and I hadn't cut my wrists, or resorted to anything rash, like suicide. I stuck through, and refused to give in. I had to make the best of things.

I decided to name the girl Oslo. All I could ever hope for poor Oslo was her happiness, and for most of her life, I thought it was there.

I just didn't want her to hate me for not having a lot of time on my hands, because I worked two jobs, and attended high school. Thankfully, I graduated from that hell-hole, but unfortunately did not attend university.

High school was the very worst. It had been great, until I began to balloon. Everyone called me a slut, and at one point I even yelled at someone. I was in the middle of the hallway, and they were 'giving me their opinion', in other words making sure I knew I was a whore, then I yelled at them: "BITCH I WAS FUCKING RAPED!!"

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