Chapter 17

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Chapter Status: Not Edited

Oslo's POV

Ever since Poland's party, Iceland has been distancing himself from me. He hasn't spoken to me in any way for the past two days. I wonder what even happened? Did I say something? Did I do something? Did he think I was hiding something after that phone call? Oh god, what if he just got tired of me!?

At this thought, I feel tears well up in my eyes. But we just started dating literally two weeks ago. Does he just go through girls like this? Does he burn through them like money? I have to know. That's it, I'm texting him.

My thin fingers fly along the keyboard to abruptly stop.

I wait impatiently for his response, and when he finally does say something, my heart probably drops to the earths core.

"We need to talk."

* * *

I stand facing him, outside of the building, the late June sun beating down on us. At first, neither of us say anything, and just look around awkwardly, surveying the scene. His silvery hair shines brightly in the sunlight. Finally, he looks me dead in the eye.

"I know we have barely been together, but..." He trails off.

"But what?" I ask, a waver in my voice apparent.

He sighs. "I... I can't be with you."


"Poland told me about your..." He pauses, thinking for a moment. "Disorders."

"What about them?" Tears threaten to pour down over my face, as I plaster on a fake smile.

Silence. He doesn't say anything for what seems like eternity. His violet eyes drop my gaze, and his hands ball into fists, then release themselves. He seems torn, as if unsure of what to say. Finally, I see a slight flash of anger wash over his face.

"I can't handle it, Oslo! I just- it's difficult to love someone who's just so sad! I can't do this," he raises his voice slightly.

Tears burst from my eyes. Shaking my head at him, I sprint off as fast as my tiny, frail legs can carry me. I have no idea where I'm going, I just need to get away from here. I don't look back for even a second. He hates me for things I can't help.

After about forty five minutes, I grow tired, as I naturally haven't eaten recently, and was running on adrenaline. But anyway, I find myself atop a hill, looking out over a small field, covered in dead grass, and the occasional small, white flower. Dead, of course.

I twiddle with the yellow grass I'm sitting on, and eventually get frustrated, and resort to pulling it up, and killing it.

At this point, I feel slightly numbed to the pain, as some part of me new it would happen. Poland tells everyone I establish a relationship with about my issues, and sometimes they stay, but other times... It's just brutal. I don't see what's so bad about my disorders, of all of the other ones out there. It's not like I'm schizophrenic or something.

As soon as Poland hears about this, he'll probably go murder Iceland or something, so I can't tell him, for the sake of those around me. How will I tell my mom? Should I tell her? What would she even do? She seems laid back enough...

I look up to see the sun has already finished setting, revealing the stars which it usually hides. The moon is at it's fullest tonight, and I can't help but recall something my mother always tells me.

/full moons make people do things that they'll regret./

A hand on my shoulder breaks me out of my train of thoughts. I look up to see who it is.


She smiles down at me, which is odd, as she never did like me.

"What's wrong?" She asks, sitting down next to me.

"Oh... Um, my boyfriend broke up with me is all," I blush.

"Oh, that's to bad. Do you want to talk about it?"

Belarus' POV

Everything is working just how I want it to. Oslo's depression has been set off, and I didn't even need to kill any of the Nordics.

I have always hated Oslo. She gets way to close to big brother, and she acts so perfect. I hate her tiny little guts... If she knew boundaries and stayed away from big brother, I wouldn't hate her so much. But she just needs to keep her grubby little fingers away from Russia. She is just the worst person I have ever met.

"Why are you even out here?" She asks, staring out over the field.

Oh no. I didn't think of a back story for this. She was never like this before! I don't live any where close to here, and I just came looking for her to see what happened. Think think think...

"I just dropped a necklace of mine somewhere near here!" I explain, masking the anxiety in my voice.

She nods, her face dropping all and any emotional expression. We sit in silence for a few minutes, simply looking out over the scene in front of us.

"Well, goodbye," I stand to leave. I can't stand her presence any longer, and I have to get away from her.

I might not even have to kill her myself. She might do it for me.

Iceland's POV

"Hey, let's go on a vacation, boys!" Denmark calls out over all of us, a large silly grin on his face.

Norway sighs, setting his summoning book on the table he sits by. "No."

"Why not?!" Denmark pouts.

"Because I said so. Wouldn't they agree with me?" He gestures towards where Sweden and Finland sit.

While this whole scene plays out, I trudge over to my room to play my guitar. As I strum the weighted strings my mind wanders to events of the day. It wanders to Oslo, especially. She has to learn to love herself to be loved by someone else. That's what she needs to understand.

My phone makes a quiet vibrating noise, and I can't help but look over. The lit screen displays a message from Poland, who I exchanged phone numbers with at his party.

I will chop off your balls.

That's all it says. I don't feel intimidated in the slightest by this as he won't actually. In fact, I don't even bother to unlock the phone to actually read it. I simply go back to playing, and allowing my mind to stroll through endless thought.


(A/N) Okayyyy so I'm sorry about the short chapter, I literally write during class time!! Alsooooooo I decided to reveal the murderer because it was getting way to obvious. Please comment vote add to your library and fannnnnnnnn! Love you all!!!!

-Miss Catastrophe

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