Chapter 16

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(A/N) Soooooo first off, I posted the 2p!Britain fanfic, and I'm sorry if it's OOC. Second, I'm sorry, this is going to be short because I'm helping my family move so I wrote this during class. Ok, with no further adue, here's the chapter!

Chapter Status: Not Edited


Oslo's POV

"GIRL, you have to wear this tonight!" Poland squeals, holding up a navy blue dress with little blue-purple glitter on one side of the top-ish part, and the same glitter on the bottom-ish part, opposite of the other sparkles. Trust me, it's not as complicated as it sounds.

"I'm not sure, I like it, but I just don't know. People might make fun of me or something," I trail off.

Poland invited me to a party he's having tonight. He just has random parties sometimes, but for some reason he wants to have one for the summer solstice or whatever. He just takes whatever excuse he can to have a party of any kind. Why, you may ask? Poland is just a social butterfly.

"You should totally see if Iceland can like, come, girlfriend," he demands, jumping up and down at this point.

"Um... I guess I could ask," I blush lightly, pulling out my phone to text him.

He looks over my shoulder as I send the short text.

"Girl, your nails are like, so totally CUTE!" He exclaims, holding one of my hands out in front of him after I send the text.

"Heh heh... I kinda just painted them... A color."

"But girl, it is like, so you," he informs me, releasing my hand from his grasp.

Shortly there after, Iceland tells me that he'll go, and Poland completely fangir-guys. Not fangirls, he's still a guy.

* * *

"Mon cheri! It's been a while, no?"

Poland somehow got me to wear the dress, and now I'm standing with Iceland at his party. A guy we just met called France is acting like he's known me forever. He's trying to chat me up right now, despite the fact that my boyfriend is standing less than a foot away.

This is just uncomfortable, there are so many people here. I know some of them from my old school, but others are total strangers to me. Just as I'm about to get lost in my train of thought, I see a certain Russian walking up to me.

"Oslo!" He smiles with his usual, somewhat terrifying smile, as he wraps his large arms around me.

I almost squeak at his affection, but that's why he does this, every time he sees me. He always hugs me like this because he knows that I'm horrified of him.

I glance over at Iceland, to see that his eye is twitching slightly, and his ears are red.

Thankfully, my phone starts blaring Panic! At The Disco, signaling I'm getting a call. Russia steps back, allowing me to leave the room and talk to whoever called me.

Poland's POV

I smile slyly at the sight of Oslo leaving the room to answer her phone. I'll have to thank Lithuania later. She can't hide her phsycological problems forever. I will tell Iceland!

I walk up and tap his shoulder, and he jumps slightly.

"Oh, it's just you," he sighs with relief.

"Yeah man! Totally. So I like, wanted to ask you a question."


"Has Oslo like, told you about her disorders slash phsycological problems yet?" I ask him, eyebrows raised.

"Um... No, actually, I had no clue... What does she have?" He looks worried, this shouldn't end badly.

"Well, she isn't, like insane or something. She's actually like anorexic, and-"

"Anorexic?!" Okay, now he looks really worried.

"Yeah, like, at my school people always like, laughed at her and stuff," I explain. "She like, totally had it rough."

He wears a dumbfounded expression, as if the idea of someone being made fun of was totally new to him. What an innocent minded person, how pure.

"She also has like, depression, I think. Ah! Insomnia too."

He just stares at me, his innocent violet eyes filled with apprehension.

"Oslo would totally have like, great curves if it weren't for like, anorexia."

There, everything is out there. He knows about Oslo's problems now, and I'm sure he still likes her. If not, I will personally go murder him in his sleep.

"Is there anything I can do to help her?" He finally asks.

"Well, she's like, on meds, but just keep her happy, otherwise I will totally go chop your balls off like, in your sleep," I narrow my eyes at him.

He blushes heavily and nods.

I walk away, laughing evilly in my mind. I don't want them to breakup or anything, but he has to like, know. Without trust, you're without love. Now they just need to talk about it. Not here, though. That might depress everyone else...

Iceland's POV

Oslo begins approaching me, slightly frazzled.

I just can't believe she has all of those things. I really want to help her, but there's really nothing I can do. I always wondered why she was always up so late.

"Hey," she interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey, what was that all about?" I ask her.

"Oh, somebody prank called me asking if I wanted to order a pizza."

We just keep chatting lightly like that. I don't want to ask her about anything here. Or ever, because she might not want me to know, and I would hate for her to be angry with her best friend. I just have to make sure she's happy, because that makes everyone else happy. Especially me.

Anonymous POV

Now I have something that can work to my advantage. Her disorders? Yeah, I can break her by triggering those. I probably won't even have to kill her, it's likely that she'll kill herself! This will be so easy.

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