Chapter 8

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Chapter Status: Edited

Oslo's POV

I just spent another two days without leaving my room, and let me tell you, I'M STARVING!! The sadness of my uncles death has past, however he will always hold a special place in my heart. I decide to leave my room to eat EVERYTHING in my kitchen, then go out to eat. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I'm going to eat anything I can find.

Then throw it all up...

I pick up an apple, a bag of chips, a pint of blueberries, and lastly, our pitcher of lemonade and a cup. After my excursion, I go back to my room and picnic on my floor. Just as I'm about to dig into my "feast," someone knocks on the door.

"It's open," I call through a bite of my apple. A familiar blonde enters my room, smiling at me. "We'll you've made yourself comfortable," I remark as he sits across from me.

Iceland has been visiting me everyday since two days ago. He helped me out, ya' know. Helped regenerate my happiness, well, the small amount I had before. In fact, he's the reason I was able to roll out of bed and get all of my food.

"Nice breakfast," he chuckles.

"C'mon! I haven't eaten in like, five or six days!" I retort, though I doubt he could understand me. I mean, my mouth was full and I was laughing through it all.

I get up, apple still in hand, and put my iPod on shuffle. I don't like going to long without listening to music, so I put it on a lower volume so we can have an actual conversation. So we basically just sit on my bedroom floor, discussing everything. Narwhals, life, music. Yes, I said narwhals.

He gets a text from Norway later on in the day asking him 'where did you go?' or something like that. So he had to leave. Now, I lay on my bedroom floor, full of energy but unsure of what to do.

I look at the time. Ugh. It's about 3:30 in the morning, and there's nothing to do. Well, I'm feeling reckless, so I decide to sneak out. I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a light blue hoody.

I love the rush of being out at night, and I haven't been out alone all summer. It's only mid-June though. I meander to the convenient store and buy a couple cans of spray paint. I used to do this all the time in my old neighborhood.

Suddenly, an idea occurs to me! I always hear Iceland playing his guitar about now, so I decide to text him. Unfortunately, he doesn't end up replying. Oh well, I still get a rush. I run over to the apartment building again, and go around back.

Before I can get back, I'm violently pushed against the brick wall of the building. The person pulls a knife and pushes it up against my throat. I see a flash of a maniacal grin.

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite. Wrap a wrap a around your head, and watch you as you take flight!" The maniac sings.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates. I'm getting a call! I accept and begin screaming.

"HELP!!! HELP ME!!!"

Icelands POV

I saw a text from Oslo when I got back to my room, and I just replied to her. It's been about five minutes, and she hasn't read it or anything. I decide to call her in case she didn't get my text.

Ring... Ring... Ring... I finally hear a click, signaling that she answered.

"HELP!!! HELP ME!!!" She screams on the other end. The line goes dead.

Panicking, I sprint out of the building and look around on the property, not even bothering to put on shoes. I see two figures. One pressed against the wall, the other with a hand at their throat. Then I see it, a metallic gleam. A knife.

Adrenaline presses me through the moonlit alley towards the aggressor. I don't know what I'm going to do, but all thoughts and logic have been thrown out the window. After what seems like years, I find my fist making contact with the persons face.

I knock them to the ground, and begin punching them repeatedly. What am I doing? My thoughts try to push through, but anger and tears blind me. I feel two strong hands pulling me back, away from the person.

Denmark's POV

"ICELAND WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" I yell at him as I drag him away from the scene, pulling Oslo along with my other hand. "AND AS FOR YOU, YOUR MOTHER ISNT GOING TO BE PLEASED WITH THIS," I yell firmly at Oslo.

"Let me explain!" Iceland starts as Oslo follows, sobbing.


I continue scolding them all the way back to our apartments. But what were they thinking?! I know Iceland was acting in Oslo's protection, that's explainable, but they shouldn't have gone out in the first place! Teenagers, honestly.

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me, they could care less as long as someone'll bleed.

I don't care how rebellious or reckless they were feeling, what just happened is why they shouldn't go out this late. The walk up to the units we live in feels like lifetimes. When we finally get there, I see Oslo into her apartment, and turn to Iceland.

"Why were you guys out in the first place?" I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

"Oslo texted me at like three something, and when I replied, she didn't read it or anything, so I called her. When she picked up, she was screaming for help. She was being attacked, Denmark," he explains to me.

"Okay, but why did Oslo go out in the first place?" I interrogate him.

"I don't know, okay? I was just protecting her," he replies darkly.

"I am so done with tonight. Just go to bed," I push him through the door.

Anonymous POV

I'm sure that scared her enough, because if that didn't, I don't know what will. Of course I can think of other things, but I was just bored, and I felt like scaring her. But of course those two had to come along. I should really get on with that murder soon...


(A/N) OMG THINGS ARE GOING DOOOOWWWWWWN!!!!! Tell me, who do you think it is? HINT: they're not with axis or allies! Okay okay okay GUESS GUESS GUESS!!!!

Denmark: Oslo must be stupid to have gone out like that.

Iceland: I HEARD THAT!

Denmark: *ruffles Iceland's hair* you're just mad cuz you LIKE her!!!

Iceland: *blushes* do not!

Me: Awwww come on let's get along!^-^

Iceland: try telling that to Denmark! He's making fun of Oslo!

Oslo: *yells through wall* what about me now?



-Miss Catastrophe

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