Chapter 19

359 19 11

Chapter Status: Not Edited

Poland's POV

A slim girl stands in the doorway. She isn't frail, like Oslo, but she's still thin with amazing curves. Like, girl, tell me your secrets. She has long blonde hair parted slightly to the side, and deep teal eyes.

"Can you tell me where Denmark is?" She asks, a slight tremor visible in her gaze.

London ushers her inside to sit with us, despite the abruptness. Suddenly, we have a stranger standing at the door asking for the neighbor. She looks as if she is on the verge of tears, and I don't know why.

"Honey, what's like, your name?" I ask, patting her on the back.

She swallows, hard, before speaking. "My name... is Greenland."

We continue asking about her, and if we can help in any way. That's when an idea hits me, directly in the face. I could call Iceland! He's Denmark's brother, right?

"Hey! I like, know Denmark's brothers! I could totally call one of them!" I suggest, voicing my thoughts.

Her face lights up, and she nods her head vigorously. I pull up Iceland's contact, and call. The phone rings three times before he picks it up.

"What do you want, Poland," he grumbles into the speaker.

"Hey, you need to like, put Denmark on the phone, man!" I snap at him.

I hear a slight commotion on the other end of the line, and I sit tapping my foot for a moment. At first there is complete silence, finally, he says something.


"Hey, like, a girl came to the door and like, asked for you. She said her name was Greenland and-" he cuts me off.

"Come to us, we'll talk then."

He then whispers the address of where they are into the phone, so we can go find them. They're hiding out in some old hotel a little ways out from here. London has us hop into her small car, then we speed off towards the old rundown hotel.

* * *

The ramshackle building looms over us as we walk in, a slight drizzle showering us. I look over the green hillside which the building sits on. The grass looks well taken care of, in comparison to the rest of the place. I toss my slightly damp, blonde strands of hair back and out of my eyes.

Greenland's hand grasps the door handle, before pushing it open. A cheerful woman greets us, though the least we do is wave. She has long, honey colored hair, green eyes, and wears a really pretty dress, like oh my gawd! (A/N she's Hungary, guys.) A tall man with white hair and red eyes stands near her side, watching over us. She looks over her shoulder briefly and notices him. She uses her entire body to put thrust into a single smack to his face. His cheek now burns the same color as his eyes.

We quicken our pace to the room they told us they were in. They're on the second floor, in one of the closer rooms.

The putter patter of our feet hitting the ground at different times is enough to hypnotize me into thinking that I'm calm, when in reality, my palms are sweaty and I'm still breathing heavily.

Greenland throws the door of the complex open, and her eyes widen at the sight of him.

"Denmark!!!" She yells, throwing herself in his direction.

They stand for a couple of minutes, pressed against each other. Denmark's large hands press against her back and she buries her face in his neck. They look like the definition of love. He pulls back, hands still gripping her arms.

"Babe, I thought you were dead!" He exclaims.

"I wasn't, I just needed time to think, about everything!" She breathes out, tears forming in their eyes.

"Awwwwww!!!!" I yell, not meaning to ruin the moment.

Everyone turns to face me, and my ears start burning. I look around the room, to notice Oslo sitting awkwardly on the window sill, staring between her hands and Iceland. I take her hand and pull her out of the room to talk to her.

"Girl, like where have you been?" I gush.

She looks down for a moment, tears brimming her eyes. I stand patiently waiting for a response. She looks up quickly and suddenly, her lips pressed firmly together. A single tear manages to spill down her cheek, before she finally tells me what happened.

"Lithuania... He... He captured me, and brought me to this place. We escaped, but he brought us there for..." She trails off.

I lean in closer, my eyes holding expectancy.

"For Belarus," she finishes, wiping the lone tear off her cheek.

"Belarus?! Like, why would Belarus be doing all this?! I mean, she totally had things against you, but like, doing ALL of this!?" I pause to emphasize my next point, "that's like, totally insane!!!"

She nods her head in reply, obviously forcing back her tears. I pull her into a hug, seeing as everything that's happened within the last couple of days has been an extreme emotional burden for her. I'm so proud of her for stumbling through all of this.

"I'm like, so proud of you," I whisper as I pat her back. She grips me tightly. Tight enough for me to feel her ribs sticking out at odd angles. She cries into my hair, releasing the tears she had been holding back.

"Let it out, sister."

She pulls away and looks up at me.

"Do I look okay?" Is all she asks.

"Yes! Like, are you wearing waterproofs?" (A/N he referring to makeup) I ask, lightening the mood.

"Okay, good," she giggles, putting emphasis on the word, 'good'.

I open the hotel room door and let her in before me. Everyone else seems to be having an uber serious conversation, so I try to catch on to contribute. Unfortunately, they fall silent as we enter.





"Well, hello," Greenland greets us.

Oslo simply nods, whereas I give her a warm greeting.

"Does anyone know where Norway, Finland and Sweden are?" Denmark calls out.

Murmurs of things like 'no,' 'haven't seen 'em,' and 'sorry,' are heard as they blanket the room. This is the first I've thought of them... Where are they?


(A/N) There you go!!! Whoaaaaaaa I'm sorry it's so short! I've been so excited to write this chapter because frankly, it's exciting. Soooo please vote comment and follow me!!! LOVE!!!

-Miss Catastrophe

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