Chapter 30 ^-^

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Chapter Status: Not Edited

Oslo's POV

"Guys, it's six thirty, we totally need get going! The party starts at like, seven!" Poland warns us.

"Hold on! I'm almost finished!" Greenland exclaims.

We decided it would be a good idea to watch a movie then get ready. Now we're being pressed for time.

Greenland steps out of her room, adorned in a mint green, high-low dress. The dress is strapless, and gathered just under her chest with a black woven belt. It flatters her already perfect body even more. She wears black and white ballet flats. Other than that and a few coats of mascara, she didn't change her appearance a lot through the use of makeup.

"Ugh, Greenland, how are you just so perfect?" Poland groans jokingly.

"Well, I eat pizza, beef jerky and ramen noodles everyday, and never exercise," she chuckles.

We all burst out laughing.

I wish I was perfect like her. But no. I'm a fucking cow.

I plop into the drivers side of the car. I'm not licensed, but I know how to drive, and I revel in the control I feel.

My friends follow me into the vehicle, and I speed off. Just kidding, I went the speed limit, because I'm the biggest, baddest rebel you'll ever meet.

We blast the radio, and belt along to the lyrics.

"I need to rest, hit the pause, pass the stage move along. Hoping the next stage I will clear!"

"I fuckin' passed, asshole!" I yell the next lyric.


We arrive at the venue at precisely six forty seven. Not important, but I just happened to look at the clock when we got here.

I run around to make sure everything is in check, even though that's what people have been doing all day. I just want everything to be right, nothing can go wrong.

"Okay, everything is perfect," I sigh to myself, out of relief.

Before I know it, guests begin arriving. At first, I try to greet people, but that gets irritating, as Iceland hasn't gotten here yet.

Instead, I decide to find Poland and join him in whatever he's up to.

I stumble upon him conversing with Lithuania at one of the tables.

"Hey!" I smile at them.

"It's been awhile Oslo," Lithuania remarks.

"Girl, I haven't seen you in like, fifteen minutes!" Poland hardly manages through his laughter.

We talk for a few minutes until someone taps on my shoulder.

"Hey Iceland, happy birthday!" I greet as I wrap my arms around him.

"You did this for me?" He asks, a mild blush on his face.

"Of course, silly!"

The music blares in the background. The current song is Best Day Of My Life, by The American Authors. A new song, I hear it on the radio almost everyday.

"I don't even know most of these people!" Iceland exclaims, slightly flustered.

"Me neither!" I laugh.

Knowing Iceland, and frankly knowing myself, I suggest we sit down instead of be social with people. (Admin: ok this might be me) We make our way over to an empty table next to a staircase.

The venue is one of the trendiest restaurants in town, or so America told me. The walls are covered in a cute, vintage wallpaper. In the center hangs a gold chandelier, detailed trim around the light bulbs. The walls are adorned with paintings and little trinkets, such as lockets and large keys.

Iceland and I engage in light conversation, which is new, considering the luck we've had all summer. We talk like... normal teenagers. Crazy, right.

And suddenly:

"May I sit with you?" An attractive boy inquires.

His soft looking hair is dark brown, and his eyes are a similar shade. He wears a red shirt-thing (I don't know what to call it), black pants, and white things around his calves (again, I don't know).

"Hey, Hong Kong!" Iceland greets him.

Because I have no clue how to include myself in conversation, I sit smiling until addressed.

"What's your name?" Hong Kong asks.

"Oh, I'm Oslo," I inform.

"She's my girlfriend," Iceland remarks, a smile on his face as he takes my hand. (Admin: >v<)

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

After this, I allow myself to be a part of the conversation. Yay, new people.

Apparently, this September when we start school, I'll be going to school with Hong Kong. He's really awesome, actually. Mysterious, but awesome. Never have I been excited about the new people I'm going to school with.

Hong Kong told me a story about how the first time Iceland went to Starbucks, he literally got hearts in his eyes from the deliciousness (admin: Iceland, you white girl!). This earned a heavy blush from him.

Their friendship is so perfect. They act enough like brothers for people to know they're friends, but they're both reserved enough to not go overboard like other people I know. (*cough* BTT *cough*)

"Are you going to eat anything, Oslo?" Hong Kong wonders aloud.

Oh. No.

"That's a good question," Iceland sends me a look.

"No! I ate beforehand!" I chuckle nervously.

Hong Kong shrugs. Iceland glances at me again. Noticing the tension between Iceland and me, I politely excuse myself from the conversation.

I sit on the ground just outside the building, bawling my eyes out. I can't believe that just happened. I know he wants me to eat, but I can't. I've been doing so well! I haven't eaten since I got out of that coma!

"Oslo?" A girl suggests.

I look up.


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