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You need sleep
But I can't sleep
Sleep is healthy
But I can't sleep

Why not?

I need sleep
Everything Aches
My eyes are heavy
The blankets are warm
And the room is dark

Drift and spin
Wobble into sleep
like a bouy on the sea
And Safe

I need sleep
but the monsters chase me
Through the stores
on the streets
Into the alleys
and to my home

I need sleep
The terrors, the nightmares
shake me
so vivid
they're more real
than my dormant reality

I Need Sleep
They snarl at me
they screech
they scorn
they give chase through my mind

I Must Sleep
I run
I duck
I even try to hide
But they find me
They always do

I have to sleep
But I scream
I wake
I shake
The nightmares have broke me

The blankets are hot
My muscles burn
I ache inside and out
and the room is dark

I can't sleep

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