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I am stuck
In a hole
Not much taller than me

Like a kid
On their toes
I can barely see

Over the edge
Of my little hole
Is where I want to be

But I'm stuck
In my hole
With nowhere to go

My little hole
Is cramped
And no light shows

Over the edge
There's medows and feilds
And long grass grows

The sun is bright
And the breeze
Is still warm

But in my hole
It is dark
Like a terrible storm

And in my hole
I am cold
And torn

I am stuck
No matter
What I try

I clamber to escape
Only to fall back in
To curl up and cry

I cant get out
I can never
Be free

I am stuck
Away from the meddows
I can barely see

I am stuck
In a hole
Not much taller than me

And over the edge
And out of my hole
Is where I wish to be

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