Alternate Universe

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I have a place
I like to go
Where there really isn't one place
but many

The people aren't real
and neither is anything else
Because the place
is all in my mind

My alternate universe
(or AU as few call it)
where anything can happen

The place where I can create
the world I wish I knew
a world full of color and smiles
with creativity and happiness

This is my alternate universe

But its only in my mind
Its not real or true
or even on paper
its fake

Reality is dark and scary
sending me to a corner
and throwing rocks
while I cower

I hide in my universe
I dream that it is real
I hope it could be
even though it is not

Its my one happy place
in this dark world
and it is slowly being

Its once colorful edges
are cracked and worn
some things are fading away
others turn grey

Reality is sinking in
destroying my alternate universe
and theres nothing to do
but pretend

My happy place is leaving
With me trapped inside
The happiness is seeping
slowly into the void
where all dreams die

I might as well say goodbye
to my alternate universe
before my true universe
shatters it

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