There's Nothing Wrong

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"You're fine"
"Stop whining, you'll live"
"There's nothing wrong with you"

I'm always told that I'm always okay
I'm not disabled
I don't have cancer
Or some terrible disease
Eating my flesh away

I have a roof over my head
I have food to eat
And clothes to wear
So there's nothing wrong with me

It hurts, I say
"You're fine"
But it won't stop
"You'll live"
I want it to go away
"Stop complaining"

I cry alone
Wondering what I've done wrong
Can't tell a doctor
Can't complain about it
Can't have any problems

I cry in bed
When I'm supposed to sleep
When the mental pain
Catches up to me

I wonder
What if I don't live
What if the horrors finally kill me
What if I let myself die?

During the day
Physical pain takes over
Though the mental pain
Never truly lets go

I'll hiss and whine in pain
Or hunch over in fear
As I go about my routine
As I pretend
That there's nothing wrong with me

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