The Few

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I saw people die today
I saw people smile and laugh
I saw people living
Like it was any other day

But I saw the few
Who thought they were okay
Then suddenly weren't
And it was too late

It was an accident
It wasn't meant to happen
But it did
And I saw them die

I saw kids running
Laughing and playing
Then I saw a child dead
On the news

The child died
Because of playing
And laughing too loud
While monsters were around

It was an accident
It wasn't meant to happen
But it did
And I know about it

I talked to friends
And to loved ones
But I saw later
One had died

A friend who couldn't cope
With a pain we both shared
Had lost their life
Not by accident

They meant it too happen
Though they had said
They never would dare
To even try

But it did
And I wasn't there
By their side
Before they left

I saw so many
So many happy people
And yet I can't help
But focus on the few

The few who lost their happiness
And their lives
When it was a normal day
When it was never meant to happen

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