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Everyone loves fireworks
The colors are bright
They shimmer and sparkle
and light up the sky

Fireworks are for celebrations
For parties
And holidays
For idiotic fun

But the sounds
Booms and Bangs
Crackles and Pops
Worse than a gun

The waves reverberate
Throughout my soul
Shaking and Shaking
Dizzying the mind

Inflicting terror
Striking fear
Sizzling like bacon

Panic evolves
Tearing through limbs
Shaking shaking

Bad dreams
Engulf my thoughts
Fill my consiousness

And the fleece blankets
Soft as baby alpaca
Blue like a noon sky
Secure me
And are darkened by my tears

Fireworks are for parties
For celebrating
For Fun

But fireworks
Awake old fears

Little Thoughts حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن