Chapter 5

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~Brandon's POV~

Several days had passed since the first day of school. I lie down on my bed and let my thoughts cloud my mind even though its a school day for about 10 minutes.

The group has changed a lot. Quiff, Doni, and John stopped hanging around us. The others though make me feel terrible that I'm not in their PE class. From all of the banter, I hear from them makes me want be in their PE. I like my PE for the most part. The guys in my PE dick around and its pretty funny watching the PE teacher scream at them for touching each other, not in the sexual way, the girls have separated themselves away from the guys which doesn't bother me. I became friends with The Crew after Speedy asked me to sit with them. Speedy and Side always prank the teacher while the rest of us laugh our asses off. Their just my PE group. My main group on the other hand, It's not the same anymore. Zak started acting weird and Mat, I rather not talk about him. I feel like its wrong that I'm getting jealous of most couples just because their dating. I wish I could have someone to hold. I wish I was in someone's arms all the time. I wish I was wearing someone else's jacket. God, I sound like a girl.

I get up from my bed and get ready for school. I do the usual which is, walk out the door, close it, arrive at school, and go to the main squad.

"Hey Pete!" Preston yelled out. I was deciding if I wanted to hang out with them today. They're cool guys and all but I feel like their pushing me away sometimes.

"So whats going on with Merome?" I asked Preston while fixing my hair.

"They're just fighting over something. It's nothing big." Preston assures me. I feel like something is going on without me knowing. I shouldn't let this bother me but it is.

"Oh okay." I told Preston and started talking to Rob. Rob pulls out several flower crowns and gives the squad flower crowns.

"Rob how long did it take for you make these all?" Preston asked.

"Probably three days. I wanted them to be perfect for you all. Especially you Preston." Rob said as he winked at Preston. Preston blushed when Rob said that and I left the two talking to each other. I was going to walk to Vikklan but they weren't anywhere to be found. Great they're ignoring me. I walked over to Mat who was just playing Dota 2 on his computer with Zak.

"Hi Pete, how's school so far?" Mat asked me without looking at me.

"It's been okay. I became friends with The Crew." I told him.

"THE CREW?! PETE THEY'RE BAD NEWS!" Zak yelled out. Everyone around us stared at us. Zak was pissed out of his mind. People saw that and walked away quickly as they could.

"They aren't terrible people, Zak. They're pretty cool." I told him.

"Pete, they're a bunch of fuck boys at our school. I can't believe you got involved with them." Zak said.

"So they're the fuck boys Vikk was talking about?" I asked Zak.

"WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Zak yelled at me and a tear fell out of my eye. I wiped off the tear with my jacket sleeve,

"Zak, Pete can be friends whoever he wants to be friends with." Mat said. I was happy he defended me.

"Pete, I'm going to warn you now. Don't tell Vikk or Lachlan about it. Shit went down a few years ago between them and The Crew." Zak warned me.

"I-I have no words," I stuttered out.

"Of course, you wouldn't Pete. I'm sorry about Zak, Pete. He has sand in his vagina so he's acting like this," Mat reassured me. I gave Mat a weak smile and walked away from him and Zak. After walking for some time, I accidentally bumped into The Crew. Life really wants to fuck with me now doesn't it?

"Sorry guys." I told them.

"Pete, its fine and you seem down right now," Speedy told me.

"Zak was being a shit head," I told them.

"Oh Zak. Pete I didn't know you were friends with him," Shadow says as he gives me a pat on the back.

"Yeah. I'm pretty ordinary when you compare me to other people at Silver Crystal," I tell them.

Side slapped me and said, "Pete you're anything but ordinary at Silver Crystal. You're damn popular like us." I rubbed my cheek and Side tells me he's sorry about it. He just needed to slap some sense into me. Popularity... Is this the path I want to take? The Crew makes me feel happy. The others so far seem to push me away. I don't know yet.

"Pete if you're ever feeling down or just want to hang out with other people, you can hang out with us if you like. Anytime you want Pete. Feel free to sit next to us to in our classes." One of the Deluxe brothers told me.

"Wait what classes do you guys have with me?" I asked while raising my head up and smiling at them.

Speedy and Side say "Pretty much all of them."

I smile at them and say, "Maybe it's time for a new Brandon." They all wrap their arms around each other and include me into it. That was the first time that someone made me smile like a star in years.

A new Brandon sounds wonderful. Maybe it was finally time for me to change into someone new. A way more chill version of myself. A complete nerd turning into a bad ass. Who doesn't like the sound of that? I'm pretty neutral on that but it doesn't hurt to try something new.

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