Chapter 11

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~Brandon's POV~

After Mat and I having a serious conversation a few weeks ago, I walk into the hallways of the damned. I see Doni talking to his friends and he points at me. I start to flinch and walk past the whispers.

"Hey Brandon! Did you hear?" Doni yelled as he ran towards me. What the fuck!

"Hear what? I don't keep up with petty drama," I tell him as he puts his arm around me.

"Hmm. Mat is gay apparently. I just was wondering since people are whispering mainly the gay guys ya know?" Doni's eyes start to sparkle.

"Yeah I heard, he told me," I tell Doni. People start glaring at Doni's light movements.

"That's not all Brandon! Are you two dating?"

It felt as if time stopped when the question was asked. Mat and I? Dating? I mean I could wish, but aren't I...straight?

The bell rings before I say another word.

"Look Brandon, I'll catch you later! I gotta go before I'm late and serve a damn detention," Doni says and sprints. Students pack up their things and leave. I leave with them and head to my next class. As I walk towards my class and closer to my locker. My locker is filled with post it notes saying: You should pick Doni or People who choose Mat should burn. I'll clean up this pathetic mess later.
Honestly, its not like I'll get any threats face to face anyways.

~Choco's POV~

Hmm what should I do about this cutie? Should I ask him out? Should I-

"Choco! Choco!" Kenny yelled and waved his hand. I laugh and attempt to listen.

"So how do you feel about Brandon and Mat?" Doni asked. I shrugged and Kenny just held me closer to his chest. People started to stare at us in the Biology Lab.

"Look Doni, both of them are my friends. I don't see what your trying to hint at," I said as Kenny leads me to our seats. Doni tells me to think about it, but honestly I do not care. What's the worst thing that Doni could do?"

~Brandon's POV~

I walked out of the english classroom and started walking towards the restrooms. I walk towards the sink and began "washing my face." My good ol' slime cousin, Gary (I recently found this to be G18's name), walk into the restroom.

"Hi, are you attempting to ditch or something?"

"No not really, I'm just questioning things right now."

"Is Amanda bothering you again?"

"That hasn't really happened since Freshmen year."

Gary and I start walking outside the restroom and towards my locker. I'm not walking back into English. Teacher said she would have left me alone anyways since I have a pretty high A. We both start throwing away sticky notes.

"So whats on your mind, fellow slime?" Gary asked and sat down on the bench.

Mat. The adorable human with curly hair and a sexy canadian accent.

"Nothing really important," I say and throw away the last remainders of the sticky notes.

"I know that tone, something or someone is on your mind. I'm not going to pressure you about it even though, I know its Doni or Mat." Gary shuts my locker and waits.

"Woah, I know we've been close for so long, but dude don't say that." I whisper and drop my backpack and sit.

"Okay, I won't. On another topic, do you think you'll ask someone to homecoming this year?" Gary's eyes start to sparkle with shipping power.

"I was hoping to go with friends like every year." My eyes shift towards Mat as he walks out of class. The bell rings and people slowly funnel into the halls.

"What? Even though that one girl during sophmore year, was on you the whole time during the party bus ride?" Gary stands up and directs my attention towards his.

"Look I don't know, but that will end up happening if I don't figure out who the hell to go with. We can talk about this 2 weeks from now. I don't want to talk about some event that I personally don't understand." Gary sighs and walks away. People start hanging near the lockers or in the creepy hallway. Creepy hallway, the one hallway that leads to the old colorguard room and people just end up smoking a blunt there. I take out my headset and start to drown in my thoughts.


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