Chapter 10

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~Brandon's POV~
I decide to confront Doni. If this kills me, then oh shit. The school hallways, plastered with posters. The further I go down this hallway, people start staring. Where is this guy? I search aimlessly for Doni. It feels like hours but, I found him. He leaned against the gaming club door.

"Why did you say that to Mat?"

"Say what? Brandon."

"How you are better than him?!" I yell out and shove him.

"Woah dude, I was just messing around. Fucking hell, don't get your panties in a twist," Doni swipes "dust" off of himself.

"I don't think you were. You had you're "little" smirk," I use hand motions for his smirk and move back.

"Brandon. What are you and Mat anyways?" 

"Friends and nothing else," I said and looked at Doni with a stern look. Doni laughs and walks inside the gaming club room.

I stand outside the hallway, dumbfounded. Going after Doni and just asking questions, will waste my damn time. So instead, I'll go look for that cutie, Mat. God BRANDON! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I start walking away from the gaming club. My ringtone goes off and I answer this call.

"Hey Brandon, we need to like uh talk."

"You sure about that Mat?"

"Look I am sure and this is about yesterday"

"Go on."

"Do you well... have any sort of romantic feelings towards me?"

"Oh so its about that type of stuff."

"So you don't like me?"

"I never said that. Nor am I implying it."

"Brandon, I hope you know that, I think we should probably stay away."

"Mat.. don't do this. You are one of the coolest people I know. I don't need one of my cool friends to stay away."

"Brandon. Its not you, its me. I can't believe you're dense"

"Mat. I'm not dense. I know you and Doni like me in another way that isn't friends."

"H-how did you-"

"A band kid. Mat, I'm not weirded out."

"Okay then. So cutie wanna go on a date?"

"When would this date be if I said yes?"

"Friday. After school. I have a surprise"

"Sounds good"

"One more thing, Brandon. If I ever break your heart. I'm sorry."

"Who says you even had my heart?"

"I hear it in your voice" I begin to blush.

"Mat, I'm hanging up. I have other things to do for school."

"Thats cool! Bye."

"Bye." I hang up the phone. I begin to walk to my next class. I open the door and I see Choco.

"PETEY! How have you been?" Choco asked as I sat down next to him.

"I'm fine," I tell him. Choco gives me a hug and takes off my backpack.
Choco sets down my backpack next to my chair.

"Pete! Are you sure about that?" He asked as he removed his arms from my waist.

"Choco, do you think I would lie to you?" I snapped back.

"Woah kiddo, okay bad days come and go. Hopefully this bad day for you will disappear soon. I'm not going to push you and where is the math teacher?" Choco asked and throws his binder on the table. I get out my binder and a pencil.

"I don't know and thankfully he isn't here. The guy gives me creeps," I say as more people come through the door. The Crew comes in the door and shadow stares at Choco.

"Hi there Shadow!" Choco says to Shadow happily. The rest of the crew take their seats as Shadow walks over to Choco and I's table. Shadow whispers something in Choco's ear and rushes to his seat next to Side. Something I wish I fucking knew.

      The teacher finally comes through the door and class starts. I just sit here and take notes. Why do I need to know most of the shit I learn in Calculus? Whatever. Just hopefully this day passes soon. I regret taking ALL fucking AP classes this year. At least the one that are "AP."  My mind just doses off for the whole period as I write notes. Frankly, if I needed help, I'll ask Choco. The bell rings and people start to funnel out into the halls, either for their next class or to hang out for their free period. I stop Choco from his tracks.

"Petey, why did you stop me?"

"There is something wrong and I don't know what to do." I shove my binder and pencil into my backpack. Choco puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me to talk to me later. I walk out of the classroom and walk to the band room. 

   My favorite class. One of the classes that won't make me dead. People stare as I walk in. Luckily, the teacher put us into sectionals so I didn't need to talk to any of the assholes. I pull out my guitar and drown my thoughts as I play.

~Choco's POV~
   I turn on my phone and scroll down the list of names. I stop at Mat's name and call him. I walk to my locker and lean against it. My phone was pressed against the right side of my head. Thank god I had a free period and I think Mat has one too?

    The call goes to voice mail and I sigh in defeat. I opened up my locker and backpack. I'll just write to Mat to meet me after school behind the actual school. My binder and textbooks were put together so nicely inside my backpack, I put the heavy textbooks away into my locker. I flip my binder open and take out a piece of paper and obtain a pencil from my backpack. I write in cursive on the paper, "Hey redstone guy, meet me at the back of the school around 3:00. - Choco." I close my binder and place it inside my backpack. The pencil gets to be thrown inside my open locker then left in there. I shut my locker and place the note inside of Mat's locker. I hope Shadow was right about this whole thing.

~Brandon's POV~
 The bell rings and everyone walks out the door. The hallways start to fill as people either leave or just linger. I walk to my locker and open it. The locker was filled with other textbooks so I put in the remaining ones from my backpack and lock it closed. I grab my backpack and stare at a Mat looking at a note. I walk towards him and then put my hands around his waist.
"Mat what do you have there?" I asked as I try to look at the note. 

"Petey its nothing don't worry about it!" Mat snaps back and I move away. Mat closes his eyes and just murmurs something to himself. What's going on- Mat pulls me into a hug and we stay there for what it felt like minutes.

"Brandon cutie, I have to tell you something," Mat pulls away from me.

"Okay what is it?" I asked. Mat starts to play with his fingers and stare down. I raise his face with my index finger.

Mat's nervousness said something.

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