Chapter 7

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~Brandon's POV~

I had just finished my homework and I turned on my computer. I click on my Skype and I see Mat had been trying to call me. What the hell is this hot Canadian up to? Did I really just call him hot? I swear to god If I'm falling in love again. My life will be screwed. I call Mat on Skype and he answers.

"So Mat you called me earlier whats up?"

"Nothing much, I'm bored."

"You could have called Zak and not me."

My cursor was about to click end.

"Zak isn't talking to me anymore. He kinda of just left."

"Wait what?"

"I don't know where to start."

"Just tell me what you know."

"Pete his mom called me today and told me that Zak attempted suicide."

"I didn't know Zak was depressed."

"Here's the thing, He isn't"

"Then why did he?"

"I don't know Pete. I would tell you if I knew more."

"Mat why is everything in my life usually going to shit?"

"Pete it isn't you are literally the most popular band kid, girls fall for you, guys want to be you, there's that one percent who even have a crush on you. I don't know what you are talking about life is going to shit."

"I had a flashback about Kyle."

"I'm guessing the one about him telling you about Kara."


"Pete not everything goes like you want it too."

"I wish it did."

"If it did then life would be boring. Without conflict there is no drama. Without drama you don't grow as much."

"Mat I already heard this."

"Pete you just haven't learned."


"Pete we are going to the arcade tomorrow after school. If you like it or not."

"But I ha-"

"No butts. Wanna play Minecraft with me?"

"Fine and sure."

I launched up Minecraft and logged into PeteZahHutt. Luckily it wasn't a recording between me and Mat, just banter. I log into my private server and Mat logs on. We start playing survival without the guys. We both start chopping trees. I make a crafting table and Mat steals it. Mat then mines cobblestone while leaving me about 10 blocks away.

"Mat can you pass me some cobblestone?"

"Jesus Pete you are so lazy but here," Mat passes me cobblestone. I sprint to the crafting table and make a stone pickaxe. I join Mat into the caves and we both start looking for ores. While mining, my mind drifts off. I wonder what the other guys are doing?

~Preston's POV~

I get my coffee from my table and Rob calls me. I sip my coffee and hit accept.

"So Rob why did you call baby girl?"

"I got bored, okay." Rob sighs.


"Preston, what are your thoughts on gay people?"

"I don't hate them."

"Preston do you ever feel like you have butterflies in your chest?"

"Only around crushes though. Rob what is the exact reason why you called me?"

"Preston meet me at my flower garden tomorrow and I'll explain everything." Rob hits end call and I sit on my bed with confusion. Did I do something wrong? I probably didn't. I look at my clock and notice its 12 am. I drink all of my coffee and prepare to sleep somehow. How the fuck am I going to sleep at 12 am when I just drank coffee. I'm such an idiot sometimes. I lay on my bed and think about what Rob wants to tell me.

~Brandon's POV~

It was the next day. I had an all nighter with Mat. I did my morning routine for school and head straight towards Mat's usual area. He wasn't there. I don't know why I did that. So, I walked inside the school building and got my needed textbooks for my first two classes and placed the unneeded textbooks in my locker. I locked my locker and Mat was leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Mat, I'll hang out with the group today," I stop Mat while saying this.

"Pete you don't have to,"Mat looks straight at me.

"Mat, I'm going to,"  I said with worry in my voice. We continue walking in silence. I pull out my phone and head towards The Pack and others. I fake a smile and continue walking with Mat. Luckily, everyone except G18 falls for my fake smile.

"Pete! You're here, its been ages since you were here," Vikk says as he runs up to me and gives me a hug. Lachlan stares at me with jealousy.

"Pete don't steal my Vikk please, I was enjoying playing around with his hair," Lachlan teases.

Jerome runs and carries Mitch. Jerome yells out while Mitch squirms, "Lachlan! NO ONE IS GOING TO STEAL VIKK! And wait Hi Pete!"

"JEROME LET ME GO YOU FILTHY BACCA!!!" Mitch yells out as Jerome lifts him up higher.

"No." Jerome responds and the guys laugh their asses off. Choco falls to the floor while laughing. Kenny tries to pick up Choco but Choco bites his hand.

I watched as the guys had some fun banter. I casually joined in with a stupid pun or two. I didn't really know why the hell I was here. Was it because of Mat? Most damn likely.

"Pete I want to show you something," Mat said as he waved his hand in front of my face. Mat opens up his notebook and gives me a paper.

"Pete open this when it's your birthday," Mat tells me as Kenny walks over.

"Pete! Will you marry me?" Kenny says as he opens up his hands. While showing a "engagement ring" that I totally did not expect.

Choco runs over and tackles Kenny while yelling out, "KENNY I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME!!!"

I tell Kenny no and Choco thanks me. Choco drags Kenny away from Mat and I leaving us two alone.

"So Pete umm about after school.." Mat tries to find more words.

"Yeah the arcade and Mat who else is coming?" I ask.

"It will be just us too. If you don't mind that," Mat says as he starts blushing. Wait is Mat making this a date? NoochZahHutt?

"I don't mind at all" I give Mat a hug and part ways with him. I walk into Math class early waiting for class to start.

Little did I know. I shouldn't have said yes.

A/N: I have school again, which means I won't be able to write as often as I would like too. I'm sorry.

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