Chapter 5

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-Two months have passed since Naruto's death-

~Sakura's P.OV.~
After Naruto's death I tried to commit suicide to be reunited with him by swallowing random pills. My suicide attempt failed due to Sasuke running into my apartment, finding me passed out on my kitchen floor. After that I was forced to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to make sure I didn't try to kill myself again.

Shaking my head of those horrible thoughts, I hear a faint knocking at my door. I trudged to the door hoping the visitor would leave if I took too long answering the door. Surprisingly, it was my best friend Ino. "Hey Sakura, how are you holding up?" "Fine I guess?"

How many times have I been asked that recently, and how many times have I lied saying I'm fine while I'm dying on the inside? To many to count honestly. "Well are you going to be a good hostess and let me inside?" Ino stated practically pushing herself into my two bedroom apartment.

Noticing me not moving from my place in front of the doorway Ino grabbed my arm, dragging me into the living room forcing me to sit in a chair. "Sakura, the only time you've left this apartment is to go work at the hospital, we never see you anymore ever since naru-"
"Ino, shut up. I know he's not here, so there's no reason to talk about him right?"

Ino flinched at the harshness of my voice. "Shouldn't you allow your self to grieve over him? He was your fiancé for crying out loud! Hell, Sasuke took a longer time to grieve over him! Locking yourself in you apartment by yourself doesn't solve anything!" Ino was screaming at me by this point

"Ino, leave." I stated cooly, not wanting to remember that horrid mission ever again. "Fine Sakura, but I'm here if you need me ok?" I nodded pushing her out the door. Breathing a sigh of relief, while my back slid down against the door. Hot tears began to sting my eyes while images of Naruto's lifeless body flashed in my brain.

I wasn't strong enough Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora