Chapter 7

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~Sakura's P.O.V~
I stepped into the shower letting the warm water hit my skin. After a few minutes, I stepped out and threw on a gray hoodie and some dark jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror fearing of what it would show. My eyes were swollen and red from crying while my face looked gaunt from not eating.

Shaking my head I walked into my living room. "Ready to go?" Sasuke asked standing up from his seated position on my couch. I nodded and then followed him out the front door. We walked in silence until Sasuke piped up "Sakura, do you think you could talk to me about your feelings towards Naruto's death?"

I froze, millions of thoughts running through my head. "S-sure, what do you want to know?" I heard him sigh "Sakura, just tell me everything, and don't hold back." I sucked in a breath of air and slowly exhaled trying to calm myself before I had a meltdown. "Sasuke, he was my first true love, and he died right in my arms! It's my fault he's dead! If I was stronger I could've killed that assassin and prevented Naruto from dying! Why couldn't it have been me?" I yelled tears streaming down my face.

I soon felt Sasuke pull me to his chest. "What a familiar feeling" I thought. Every time I was upset Sasuke would always be there to comfort me. Any time me and Naruto would have a fight I'd run to Sasuke's seeking comfort from him, I was probably acting selfish doing that.

"Sakura, there was nothing any of us could have done, Naruto died protecting his true love. Don't blame yourself for his bravery, he wanted you to live your life, even if he can't be a part of it anymore." Sasuke whispered in my ear, I soon felt myself relaxing in his hold.

Sasuke walked me back to my apartment, soon we were at my front door. I had the sudden urge to invite him to stay the night. For some reason I didn't want him to leave, maybe I was being selfish but I had to ask. "Do you mind staying the night?" He looked at me and smiled "Sure, just like old times Sakura?" chucking I led him inside and showed him the guest room. "I'll see you in the morning Sasuke, and thank you." I could feel myself blushing "Goodnight Sakura"

I laid down in my bed, my eyes slowly closing, when a loud clap of thunder erupted. I flinched, I had always had a fear of thunder anytime a storm would come I'd hug Naruto to death, thinking he would always protect me. Quickly, I jumped out of my bed and ran to the guest room Sasuke was in.

I quietly opened the door, trying not to disturb Sasuke, when another clap of thunder appeared, I squeaked and jumped into his bed. Flopping on the mattress. "Sakura? Shouldn't you be in your bed asleep? He asked sleep present in his voice. "There was thunder and I got scared, so could I sleep with you tonight?"

"Come here Sakura." He said opening his arms letting me rest my head on his chest slowly drifting to sleep, thoughts of Naruto soon becoming a dull ache.

~Sasuke's P.O.V~
I could feel a grin creep onto my face once Sakura laid her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her short pink hair until she calmed down enough to fall asleep. I stared at her sleeping form until I feel asleep myself.

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