Fun and Games

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    As you both pulled into the driveway of Sabo's house the rain had calmed a bit. The door to the back of the moving van had been closed and locked tight.

    "Now that I think about it. I should have pulled up to your house first." Sabo states.

    "I'll be fine. If I run." You say assuringly. You open the car door and pause. "Hope your brothers are still alive." You joke, earning a nervous chuckle from the blonde.

    Quickly exiting the car and closing the door, you make a mad dash for the house while covering yourself with your bag. Reaching for the house key in your pockets, you pause.

    "Dammit." You mutter before banging a fist on the door. You always kept the key in your pockets, but you forgot them. When no response came you banged on the door harder. " Let me in!"

    You heard a giggling behind the door. "No." the voice you recognized as Nami's said. "Go to the Neighbors."

    You glanced over to the other house to see Sabo on the porch looking at you concerned. You looked away with your face hardening with anger. "What the fuck are you planning?!?" You scream, only to hear more giggles from both women inside.

    "Nothing." Robin says.

    "Now go! I bet he's waiting for you, (y/n)! But if you so badly want to come inside it'll cost you $500."

    You gape at the price. 'This is my house!' You thought while wanting to bash the door open. Turning away you called them bitches and assholes while hearing howls of laughter come from Nami. You sit down next to the door and lean your head back. At least the porch had a roof to keep you dry from the pounding rain. So it wasn't too bad to be locked out. Glancing over you see Sabo dashing over. 'Dammit.' Quickly standing up you turn to face the concerned blonde. "What?" You demand grumpily as he reaches you.

"What's going on (y/n)?" Sabo asks glancing at the window next to the both of you. "I could hear you yelling."

You shake your head angrily. "My friends are being real assholes right now! They treat this like it's all fun and games!" You tell him and slam your fist on the window where Nami was spying on you through the blinds. You heard a squeak and a thud. "They want me to go over to your house."

Sabo blinks in surprise. "Why?"

"I don't know." You lie. You already knew why they were doing this.

"Let's play their little game and humor them then." He chuckles. Your eyes widen and you start to blush.

"O-okay then." You stutter. Sprinting through the pouring rain you both make it to the other house. Sabo unlocks the door and you both head inside. You could see the furniture was already in place and you found a sleeping Ace on the big couch.

"There's one." You joke earning a chuckle from Sabo. Ace began to mutter in his sleep. Sabo began to push you deeper into the house towards the kitchen where you were greeted by Luffy.

"What are you doing here?" Luffy asked loud enough to wake Ace from his slumber.

"Huh?" Ace stumbled into the kitchen noticing you.

"What are you doing here?" Ace repeats Luffy's question.

"I asked that already! Shishishi!" Luffy told him.

"Humor?" You shrug nervously. Both Ace and Luffy give you questioning looks.

"Her friends won't let her into her own house unless she came over here. So I thought why not humor them a bit." Sabo explains.

"First you offer her a ride. Now passage into our house? Sabo, you're being too nice." Ace scolds.

"Yeah Shishishi!" Luffy agrees. "But she seems nice though."

"We don't even know her." Ace tells them. As the three brothers began arguing over your case you slowly grew really uncomfortable.

"Umm... I think I'll go." You mumble and silently walk to the door. Sabo notices you sneaking away and moves to stop you.

"Wait!" The blonde says quickly grabbing your wrist. His touch sent a jolt through your body making you squeak in surprise. His grip was gentle and it made you feel secure in some way. Your heart began rapidly beating in your chest. "Don't leave." He begs.

You look at him in shock with a slight blush present on your face. You hesitated a second before saying, "I'm clearly not welcome here." Sabo looks at you sadly before glancing at his brothers.

"Can't we give (y/n) a chance?" Sabo asks Ace with a slight glare. The freckled male stares at the blonde in silence before Luffy cut in.

"Aaace! She can be our new friend!" He shouts. Ace sighs, looking down in defeat.

"It's 2 to 1." He sighs. "Fine. She can stay awhile." Muttering, he walked into the living room and face plants into the couch he originally slept on. You immediately hear loud snoring.

'Already?!?' You thought sweat dropping. You noticed Sabo still had your wrist and you blushed even more. "Umm. Sabo?"

"Hmm?" Sabo hums glancing at you.

"Can I have my wrist back?" You ask while trying to hide the blush present in your features. You notice the deep blush rise in his cheeks before he uncomfortably clears his throat and lets go.

"S-sorry!" He says quickly his blush still present. You both hear the teen laugh next to you. Glancing over you both see Luffy with a large grin on his face.

"Shishishishi! Why are you guys so red?" You turned away and a deeper plush crept onto your features, while Sabo smacked Luffy in the head with a blush still on his cheeks. Luffy ignored him and grabbed your wrist. "Lets go new friend! Shishishi!" He shouts as he pulls you upstairs and you gasp in shock.

'This is the second time today!' You thought in disbelief as you and Luffy enter to what seems to be his room from your observation. 'Why am I in his room?' You thought nervously until he shoved you in his closet. "What the hell!" You screamed and heard the sound of a click. Anxiety quickly set in and before it could show, he spoke.

    "We're playing hide and seek!" Luffy wispered.

    "Huh?" You whispered back confused.

    "We hide while Sabo tries to find us!" He tells you. You stared at the door in disbelief.

    "I don't want to play." You angrily tell him.

    "Shishishi!" Luffy laughs before running off somewhere else.

    'You adorable little shit!'

Neighbors! Sabo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now