Its a Date (part 2)

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    You both had finished eating the pizza, although Sabo ended up being the one to eat most of it.

    "Man that was good!" He breathed.

    "Considering you were the one to eat most of it, I'm pretty sure it was." You giggle.

    "Sorry." He sighs.

    "It's fine! I wasn't that hungry at ways." You offer a smile earning one back from the blonde. During the time you both were eating, you would see the spies glance at you and Sabo from time to time and whisper to themselves. Whenever you would turn to look at them, they would quickly turn away. Although Luffy would always just wave at you, only to be smacked in the head by Ace.

    The same waitress returned and as quickly as she came, dropped off the receipt, winked at Sabo and left. Before he could move an inch you snatched the bill and read it. "I'm paying for it (y/n)." He states.

    'Her fucking numbers on it!' A dark aura began to emit itself around you. It had call me and a wink face next to it. Oh you were getting really annoyed by this waitress. As you were glaring at the number on the receipt you heard someone say your name.

    "Um. (Y/n)?" Sabo mumbled.

    "What?!" You snapped. Sabo blinked at you in shock. You could clearly tell the poor blonde wasn't ready for a response like that when you could see concern and confusion present on his face.

"I'm sorry." He starts to apologize when he did absolutely nothing wrong. You immediately start to feel guilty

"No! It's not your fault! I'm the one who should be sorry." You give him the receipt and remain silent, hoping he would piece two and two together. You really didn't want to explain anything either. You saw the look of surprise on Sabo's face as he reviewed what was printed on the receipt. His eyes flicked up to you, then to the paper, and back at you again.

    "I'm gonna go pay." He quickly stands up and goes to the register where that waitress was waiting for him. You started scowling at the persistent waitress. You really couldn't understand why she was so persistent. She also sounded bitchy and annoying. Every time she spoke, your brain cells wanted to commit suicide.

'And there she goes. Flirting again!' Quickly standing up you make your way over to Sabo. He had finished paying and was still being flirted to. Linking your arm with his you pull him towards the door glaring at the woman the entire way out. When you reached the outside you glance at Sabo to see him blushing a deep red. You started blushing too and released his arm.

"This is the second time you pulled me away from her." He murmured shyly before looking at you with a slight grin etching itself across his features a moment later. "You're jealous!"

"Whatever." You mumble as your blush deepens. You quickly make your way to his car with the blonde trailing behind you. Once you both set out onto the road you glanced at him. "Where is the receipt?" He pulls it out of his pocket.

"Right here." And not even a second went by before you snatched the paper from his hands and rip it to shreds.

"You don't need her number right?" You asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I didn't like her anyways. She seemed too clingy." Sabo chuckles. "And she's annoying." He adds.

"Good. I didn't like her either." You smile looking out the window. You noticed a familiar car following you from the side mirror and let out a groan.


"They're following us." You grumble.

"Don't worry. Let them follow us they think we're going to our last location of the day." He reassures you.

"If you say so." Making it to your final destination, it was the Park. It took an hour or so to get here. The location of the Park made you nervous. You had moved away from this place as a child in fear of him finding you. Shanks controlled a small part of the city territory and if he found you here. Well it wouldn't be good.

    "Lets walk around for a while. Maybe bore our stalkers to death." He jokes. You were too nervous to even pay attention to what he said. He finally released you from your trance when he grabbed your hand, holding it. You look at him in surprise as a blush rises to your cheeks. "Cmon." He gives you a big grin, but you notice the light blush present on his cheeks.

    Walking on the trail in the park, you both enjoy the scenery in silence. The lush green fields with a large pond in its center and a few trees scattered about. It took you 2 hours to walk the full trail back to the parking lot. The whole time you both held hands and you've grown comfortable with it.

"So where to now?" You ask.

"It's a secret." He whispers, grinning. When he attempted to release your hand you held on tighter. Being in the city left you nervous and insecure. It was strange how you seemed to feel secure around the blonde. "Are you-"

"Please don't let go." You whispered almost inaudibly. To your consent, he continued to hold your hand.

"I don't care if our stalkers follow us. Just let them." He tells you while leading you somewhere. You were led into a thick forest area and it felt so familiar somehow. Further into the woods, you see a large tree house.

    "I remember this place!" Letting go of his hand you approach the base of the tree where the little shelter sat. "I came here as a child!"

    "Me and my brothers where the only kids who knew about this place." Sabo tells you. "My brothers and you at least."

    "Me?" You murmur.

    "You don't remember us?" His gaze saddened.

    "My medication makes me forget things." You tell him.

    "I'll be honest I didn't recognize you at first. Until I learned your name." As he said that you proceeded to climb the ladder into the tree. Sabo followed you up. The both of you got comfortable and sat there in silence for a moment.

    "I'm sorry I forgot about you guys. It's all just coming back to me. The time we spent together." You lean onto his shoulder and sigh.

    "I've had a crush on you when we were 10." He confesses. Looking at him you smile.

    "You still do, don't you?" He looks back at you to meet your gaze. His eyes glance down to your lips then back to your eyes.

    'He isn't going he?!' Sabo then proceeded to claim your lips with his. A surprised gasp escapes you, but you manage to return the kiss. He then rests his hand on your lower back and the other caresses your cheek. He then deepens the kiss when he licks your lower lip asking for entrance. Hesitating at first you allow his tongue to enter and explore your wet cavern.

    By instinct, you place one hand on his chest while you tangle your fingers through his blonde locks with the other. His tongue made sure to explore every inch of your mouth. After what felt like forever, you both finally break up the kiss, panting to catch your breaths. A slight smirk Etches itself into his features.

    "Is it safe to call this a Date now?"

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