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    Breathing heavily, you were sitting up and you were in a bed. Feeling your face, it was wet. 'Was I crying?' While trying to gather your thoughts, you looked around. 'This isn't my room.' You couldn't remember anything that happened after you blacked out and couldn't figure out why you were in tears. Glancing at the nightstand your phone was there, blowing up with frantic texts from one person. Quickly grabbing it you unlocked it to respond.

    Shanks: Why aren't you responding?!? (Y/n)?!?

    (Y/n): I'm sorry. I was busy.

    Shanks: (y/n)! I was worried sick! Why are you lying?!

    You sighed. He was always worrying about you. He was like an older brother to you and always called you his little sister. His sixth sense always surprised you. He knew when you lied. Also the fact he wasn't drunk was a surprise. He never spelled correctly when he was drunk. That man barely ever stayed sober.

    (Y/n): I'm surprised your not drunk like always.

    Shanks: (y/n), this is serious. What if he found you?!? I wouldn't know where you were unlike last time!

    Your brows slowly began to knit together. It had finally struck as to why you woke up in a panic. Your nightmare. You always woke up scared, but it would change into anger. Having those nightmares hardly scared you anymore. Everything was that man's fault. Why you constantly had to hide in the shadows. Your phone dinged.

    Shanks: (y/n)?

    Before you could respond, Shanks called. Also to add to it, the sound of footsteps were quickly coming up the steps. Panicking you pressed the reject button threw your phone across the room. 'Idiot!' You mentally slapped yourself. The footsteps approached the door and opened.

You were greeted by the young teen Luffy who stared for a second before rushing downstairs yelling, "She's awake!"

You quickly got up and grabbed your phone you threw. Lucky you it didn't have a crack. You dive bombed back into the bed and a second later you saw Sabo and Marco both enter. "Are you ok, yoi? You suddenly just fainted on us." You slowly nodded.

"How long was I out?" Both brothers glanced at each other before one finally spoke up.

"2 hours." Marco tells you . Slowly glancing at your phone you see the date. It felt like a heavy weight had slammed down on you. A text appears.

    Shanks: Why aren't you answering?!you know what day it is, don't you?!

More tears began to build up in your eyes. 'I can't believe I've forgotten.' A light sob escaped your lips and the two blondes stared at you panicked.

"What the hell yoi?!" He panics and pushes Sabo to you. "Calm down your Girlfriend yoi!" Sabo glared at him.

"She's not my girlfriend! Bird brain!" He hisses before slowly approaching you. "Are you really ok?" He asks, sitting on the bed. Right as he sat down you flung your arms around him and sobbed into his chest. Frozen in fear he glanced at Marco only to see the male had disappeared. "Why are you crying?" He slowly put his arms around you.

You couldn't help but feel secure around him. Crying in front of strangers was something that never happened. Everything felt so different with this blonde. 'Why am I putting so much trust into him?!' There was silence in the room except for your sobbing. He gently rubbed your back soothingly. A ding comes from your phone.

    "I'm outside?" Sabo reads to you questioningly. You pull away and grab the phone.

    "Shanks." You murmur. "I have to go right now!" You jump up surprising Sabo.

    "Why?" Before you could answer your phone rang, only to reject it.

    "I have to go somewhere important!" You frantically grab your stuff off the nightstand. Glancing at Sabo you see his sad blue eyes. "I'm sorry. I have to go see someone before it's too late."

    "Who?" He walks over to you.

    "My Mother." You tell him. "I don't normally tell people these things."

    "Is there something wrong with her?" You look at him with slight annoyance etched in your features.

    "There can't be anything wrong with her if she's dead." You murmur. Sabo's eyes widened in shock.

    "I-I'm sorry..." he stuttered, gently put a hand on your shoulder sympathetically.

    "Don't be. She died when I was young." You smiled slightly. Exiting the room you both go down the stairs. When you previously checked your phone it was 5:00pm. The cemetery closed at 7:00 and the drive from here takes an hour.

    "Hey (y/n), are you ok?" Ace asked when he saw you from the kitchen.

    "I'm fine." You say quickly heading towards the door. Everyone began to look at you confused, except Sabo.

    "What's going on?" Thatch asked confused. You look to Sabo expecting him to explain the situation you were in.

    "Mind telling them since your good at it, Sabo?" You say before quickly exiting the house. The rain that had been coming down finally stopped. Shanks car was in your driveway and you noticed his worried expression. The redhead exited his car as soon as you got close and gave you a tight bear hug.

    "(Y/n)! I was worried about you! Why weren't you answering my calls?!" He scolded still holding you in his tight embrace.

    "I...can't....BREATHE!" You wheezed. He had a tight grip around you and it was a little too tight. It felt like you were gonna be split in half. He finally let go quickly apologizing. You gasped for air. "Sorry for not answering." After a moment of catching your breath.

    "Why the hell were you in the neighbors house?" He glanced over to where Sabo stood in the doorway giving the poor blonde an evil glare. "Did they kidnap you?"

"No it's a long story and there's no time to explain it right now." You say quickly making your way to the back seats since Benn was in the front passenger seat. You both enter the car and immediately drive away.

    *Sabo POV*

    (Y/n) quickly entered the redheads car and left quickly. 'I would've asked what had happened to her mother, but I'd seem too nosy.' I thought before being interrupted by Ace.

    "Sabo. What's going on?" Ace demanded. I politely closed the door before sitting on the couch. Hesitating before I told them.

"Shes going to go visit her Mother's grave."

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