Found you

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    You both were making your way out of the woods. Loud rustling could be heard from behind you, but it sounded like only one person. Your grip tightened around Sabo's hand. He seemed to notice too and began to walk faster only to hear the follower quicken their pace.

    It was already sunset when you left the woods. When you and Sabo turned to the direction of the forest, a tall dark figure was standing a little bit inside the tree line. The man was a little bit big to be your previous stalkers, but he was alone.

"Who the hell are you?!" Sabo attempted to confront the man. A sick feeling settled in your stomach and it made you feel nauseous. You also felt you knew the man some how even if you could barely make out who it was.

"Sabo. We need to go." You whispered.

"Why?" He glanced at you in shock. In that span of time the man reached for something at his side. You turned an ran while dragging Sabo with you. A gunshot rang out and pain shot through your leg.

'He shot me!' You shrieked in pain and collapsed letting go of Sabo.

"(Y/n)!" He kneeled beside you. He would've attempted to pick you up and carry you if a gun wasn't pointed at him. The man quickly approached you but kept a short distance between you and him.

    "Hello (y/n)!" The man said with a harsh tone.

    "What the hell do you want?!" You yell at him. He fired a gunshot on the ground next to you, making Sabo cling to you protectively.

    "Don't you dare talk to me like that! I'm your Father! Show some respect." He growled.

"Your father?" Sabo looks to you. "Then why the hell would you shoot your own daughter?!" He shouts, giving the man a harsh glare.

    "Because she's nothing but trash from the Mafia!" He points the gun at Sabo. "I believe aiding a criminal makes you one too."

    "You're no Father to me! I would never accept you as one!" You spat. The sound of Police sirens were closing in from the distance.

    "Then die like your pathetic mother!" He prepares to shoot and Sabo was going to be the first target. Your eyes squeezed shut before the sound of gunfire rang through the air.

    *Ace's POV*

A loud knock came from my door interrupting my slumber on the couch. Grumpily I approached the door and found a strawberry blonde haired girl was there.

"Who are you?" I ask still half asleep.

"I'm Nami! Your neighbor!" She grins. I blink a few times before she points to her house where (y/n) lived.

"Oh." I yawned.

"Where are they going?" Nami asks suddenly. I look at her in confusion. "You know... (y/n) and her boyfriend!"

"I'm not telling." Mumbling I move to close the door.

"Don't you want to know what they're doing?" She jingles car keys in my face making me hesitate. Her offer was so tempting. I grab the keys from her hand.

"Lets go then!"

"Don't you need to get changed first?" Nami deadpans. Glancing down at myself I nod in agreement.

"SHISHISHI! I WANNA COME TOO!!!" I hear my little brother Luffy yell at the top of his lungs from the stairs. I face palmed. After getting dressed and bringing Luffy with us even though he has no idea what's happening. We all head out on our little mission to follow Sabo and (y/n) around.

--------time skip into the woods---------

I watched as the scene in the tree house unfolded before me. Sitting in a tree I climbed, I would whisper to      (y/n)'s friend Nami some updates on what they're doing. She would quietly squeak in excitement. 'I think she ships them.'

We had some close calls while following them, especially at the restaurant. Luffy almost gave us away. Although I'm pretty sure they found out about us stalking them already.

Looking at at the tree house the two of them began to climb back down. After they made a little distance I climbed down from the tree but noticed a tall figure come from the bushes and begin to follow them. 'Who the hell is that?!'

Nami noticed the man too. "Ace who is that?!" She whispered. Remaining silent I followed the man. He seemed familiar. Thankfully Luffy decided to remain quiet at this point. One he made it to the edge of the forest he pulled out a gun and shot (y/n) straight in the leg when they ran.

    "I need to call pops!" I whisper yelled to Nami and Luffy. Luffy nodded in understanding as I dialed up his number.

"Who's pops?" Nami asked. The sound of a phone dialing could be heard before a gruff voice answered.

"Pops! I need your help!"

*(Y/n) POV*

You waited. Waiting for when Sabo's arms would slip off of you. Waiting for the sound of his body to hit the ground. But it never happened. You still felt his arms wrapped around you tightly. Opening your eyes you see Sabo looking at someone behind you. Turning you see a familiar blonde and a brunette standing behind you.

It was as if a miracle played itself before you. Hell it was a miracle. "Marco! Thatch!" Tears began to form in your eyes as you said their names. Behind them stood a giant. Someone you recognized as Whitebeard himself.

"Damn you Mafia trash!" Akainu fumed with rage. You saw he was clutching his bleeding stomach. Marco had shot him before he could do any damage.

"You'll regret ever trying to hurt one of my sons." Whitebeard rumbled. Clearly being out numbered, Akainu ran off as fast as he could muster. They had beaten the reinforcements here by five minutes. As Marco aimed to shoot at Akainu, he was stopped.

"Let the coward run." Marco looked at the old man in concern.

"What if he comes back yoi?" Whitebeard shakes his head.

    "He won't. We won't be here when he comes back." He looks at you noticing your leg. "This ones injured." You look at your leg and see a pool of blood had already gathered on the ground. Sabo stood up and lifted you bridal style. 

    "I'll take her to the hospital." Sabo begins to take you to his car. Ace leaped out of the woods with Nami and Luffy tailing behind him.

'Was Ace the one who called them?' You wondered before Thatch approached the both of you.

"You're not going alone." The brunette tells Sabo. He nods before continuing along, Thatch beginning to follow. Slowly closing your eyes you let out a shaky sigh as the tears continued to flow.

'We could've died if it weren't for Ace, Nami, and Luffy following us.'

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