More Brothers

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"This feels more like a kidnapping." You mutter grumpily in disbelief. You could feel your heart begin to pound in your chest. Being locked in a closet wasn't very comforting to you. Especially in a strangers house. Coping with tight spaces wasn't your thing. 'Maybe I'll just play along. I am kinda bored.' You thought while hearing the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps going up the stairs. 'Maybe that's Sabo?'

"Luffy!" An angry voice you recognized as Sabo screamed. You also heard another muffled voice yelling for him to shut the fuck up yoi.

'Ace.' You concluded. He was trying to sleep after all. 'Wait. Yoi?' You became utterly confused. 'Who's down there?!' Another set of footsteps came up the stairs. Paranoia began to kick in when someone stepped into the room. 'Dear god! Please be Sabo or Luffy or Ace!' You prayed. There were no openings in the closet door for you to see, so you were blind as a bat.

    A click was heard from the closet door. Instead of one of the three brothers you saw a brunette haired male standing before you. It felt like a heavy weight hit your shoulders. The brunette looked at you in shock before smiling.

"Who are you?" He asks still smiling.

"I could ask the same." You mumbled nervously.

"Shishishi! Thatch found you!" Luffy laughed. You looked to see the teen in the doorway of the room. Sabo appeared right behind him.

"Oi! Luffy! You locked (y/n) in a closet?!?" Sabo angrily hit his head earning a pained yell from Luffy.

"Did you kidnap her or something Luffy?" The brunette known as Thatch asked in dismay. His smile faded into a frown.

"Nooo! We were playing hide n' seek!" He told them with a pained expression in his features. "She's our neighbor!"

"Hmm." Thatch hummed. He looked to you and smiled. "Nice to meet ya. (y/n)!" Extending his hand out you take it and shake his hand.

"N-n-nice to meet you." You stammer nervously before he quickly surprises you by pulling you up. Thatch begins to push you forward out of the room. "Umm..." you start nervously. You earned a chuckle from the brunette.

You, Thatch, Luffy, and Sabo go down the stairs. In the living room you glanced over and saw another blonde on the recliner and a sleepy Ace on the big couch. The blonde looked at you and had a straight face and you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Who are you?" The blonde demands. You just stare at him and can't help but to compare him to a pineapple. You squeak when Thatch pushes you towards the love seat and you take the hint to sit down. Thatch then stands next to the pineapple and Sabo sits next to you.

"I'm (y/n)." You reply feeling nervous about sitting next to the blonde you might have a crush on. A nervous sweat begins to break out on your forhead. To mingle with others was your worst nightmare. "What's yours?" You ask as politely as possible. Nervousness could be heard in your voice.

"Marco." The male says. "Why are you here?" You felt like you were going to faint. Being in a room with strangers, especially hot ones, was very overwhelming. Although Luffy was more adorable than sexy. You found Sabo more appealing though. Sabo noticed your anxiety and explained everything to Marco and Thatch up till now.

    You noticed a brown dog rushing towards you and leap onto you. It began to lick your face and its tail wagged like mad.

    "Chopper! Get down!" Sabo scolds while getting the large dog off you.

    "Aww he's cute!" You gush. You had a special place for any animals. They were so precious, except the ones who acted like little Demons, but you loved them none the less. Chopper barked in response and you rubbed his ears.

    "We're all brothers by the way." Thatch tells you and a look of shock becomes etched into your features.

    "Huh?!" You gasp.

    "Although, Ace, Sabo and Luffy live here, we don't." Marco adds. Anxiety begins to build up inside you more and more. Not because of the fact they were brothers, no. That didn't bother you. Just that they were constantly looking at you. Your head began to spin and Nausea began to set in.

    "Thanks for having me over but I think I need to go." You say quickly. They all looked at you confused, but it quickly turned to concern when you stood up. Immediately your vision blurred. You collapsed and everything went black.



    "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry" a little girl screamed and tears steamed down her face. She was strapped to the chair unable to escape her punishment. The room was poorly lit and the men inside could barely be seen. "please Father!!!"

    "You pathetic weakling! I will not accept those who are weak!" The large man wearing a red suit and a pink rose on the right side of his suit held a gun. The body of her dead mother lies next to him. The girl wailed and balled for mercy and her dead mother. "There is no place for the weak!" Her father placed the gun on her head.

    "PLEASE!!! SOMEONE HELP MEEE!!!" The girl wailed louder and louder. The other men around were watching the scene unfold. Their vests all said 'POLICE' on them.

    "Your mother was nothing but a rat for the mafia! What do you think that makes you?" He growled. Over the girls wailing the sound of clashing could be heard out side.

    "Akainu!" A male voice screamed. "Get your ass out here you son of a bitch!" The gun moved away from the girls head and the men quickly exit the room.

    "Someone please help!" The girl wailed more. After a few moments in the hellish room a man with red hair came in. The girl was covered in blood. It wasn't her blood by the looks of it. He quickly untied her and the girl immediately leaped into his arms bawling.

    "Shhh. It's okay now." He spoke gently. "No one will hurt you now." The girl still wept. "I'm sorry about your mother. I will take care of you now." The child  wept even louder. She lost her mother, the only one she loved in the world.

*end flashback*

Your eyes snapped open and quickly you bolted upright gasping.

Neighbors! Sabo x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora