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*Sabo POV*

"What?" Luffy looked confused at what I told them. In fact they all looked confused. Even Chopper was confused!

"Her Mom?" Thatch whispered. "What happened to her?" I remained silent for a second as my brothers awaited my response.

    "I don't know. It's also none of my business." I stated flatly. (Y/n) seemed so happy when we first met her. Out of nowhere Marco asks me something.

    "You like her, don't you?" I stared at Marco in shock.

    "W-what?" I awkwardly stuttered. Ace and Thatch began to smile wanting to join in.

"Cmon. Admit it Sabo!" Thatch laughed. My face began to heat up as a blush crept up on it.

"N-no..." my response seemed to only make them more suspicious of me. "I don't!" There was nervousness lacing my tone. The stares from them broke my will to keep it to myself. "Okay fine! I really like (y/n)!" They all had the biggest grins on their faces that said I knew it .Hiding my face in my hands hid a deeper blush that appeared.

    "Shishishishi! I knew it! That's why I put a piece of paper with your number on it in her bag! Also I put that you might like her!" Luffy stated. Everyone's eyes went to the teen and my jaw dropped in shock.

    "YOU WHAT?!?"

*your POV*

    Shanks sped the vehicle as fast as he could to get you to the cemetery in time. He kept yapping about how you ignore him and how you mistreat him. You were starting to develop a headache from it.

"Please...just shut up!" you massage your temples. Looking up you see him glancing at you from the rear view mirror with sadness present in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I know you worry about me and all, but I'm 20 years old for Fucks sake! I should be taking care of myself." You sigh. Shanks looks away from you and back at the road in silence.

Feeling guilty after a few moments of silence you give him a hug from behind. The back of his seat being the one thing between the both of you. "I never said you couldn't still be there for me. It's just sometimes your worrying can be annoying a little bit." You murmur to him. He takes one hand off the wheel and gently pats your arm.

    "You know I won't stop caring about you little sis." You smile at that.

    "I know you won't." Looking at the mirror you see him smile back.

    "So why were you in the neighbors house?" Benn breaks his silence asking you. Releasing Shanks you lean back into the seat and explain everything that happened up till now.

    "So wait. You trusted a STRANGER, then you PASSED OUT?!" Shanks started freaking out again. You face palmed.

    'We just talked about your worrying!'

    "Sorry. I'm worrying again." The redhead mumbles.

    "Noooo. Really?" Benn jokes sarcastically earning a pout from the man.

    "I'm surprised your not drunk." You muse.

    "Your Mother hated it when I was drunk." He states.

    "She also thought it was funny sometimes." Benn adds. While they were reminiscing about your Mother, your phone rang. They fell silent. "Who is it?" Checking your phone it was Kidd.

    "It's Kidd." You quickly answer. "Hey."

    "Hey." The gruff voice of Kidd replied.

    "So what's up?"

    "Your car should be all fixed up in a few days." He inform you. "It's gonna be expensive." You sigh at his warning.

    "Thanks for the info." You say before he hangs up without a simple bye.

    "Soooo?" Shanks asks.

"My car should be fixed up in a few days." You tell him.

"Probably expensive huh?" Benn guesses and you nod. Finally arriving at the cemetery, you see Shanks mafia members there as well. Getting out of the car you start to approach the entrance only to suddenly stop.

'He's here too?" In the distance you can see Dracule Mihawk standing where your Moms grave is. Your Mother had made many friends when she was alive. When you approach the man he looks to you.

    "Hello (y/n)." He drew his gaze to you. "It's nice to see you." Hawkeye was another person you saw as a brother to you. He was always kind to you.

"It's nice to see you too." Smiling brightly you sit in front of your Moms grave and he sat with you.

"Do you miss her?" He whispered. You nodded.

"I don't remember much of her, but at least I have good memories being with her." You looked down and noticed a slip of paper in your bag. "Huh?" Hawkeye looked at you in concern.

    "What is it?" Pulling out the piece of paper you read it.

    Here's my brother Sabo's phone number! I think he really likes you.  (y/n)! From Luffy

    A light blush appeared on your face and the male next to you took notice. 'What's the harm in having his number.' After saving it on your phone Hawkeye snatched the little paper up.

    "What is this?" He mutters.

    "Hey! Give it back!" You yelp.

"Desperate much? He sneered playfully. Your blush deepened more. "It's a boy isn't it? Do you like him?"

"N-no! I don't!" You stutter nervously. He just stared, demanding the truth. "I do." You whisper quietly hoping he didn't hear, even though he did when he began to grin.

"Who do you like?" Shanks snuck up on you making you squeak in surprise. He sat on the other side of you.

"She likes this boy named Sabo." Hawkeye tells him.

"Is he that blonde that was in the doorway?" Shanks asked annoyed.

"Yes." You mutter. Shanks just gave you a slight annoyed look. "What?"

"Nothing." He muttered.

"You don't even know him! He's polite and kind!" You state.

"If he does anything to hurt you..." he starts.

"UGH! Stop being so over protective!" You punch him in the shoulder.

"Owww." He wines. "You're mistreating me again!" He had a pouty face and you just shook your head.

"Your such a child." Hawkeye mutters.

"I know I am!" Shanks smiles. For the rest of the time the three of you sat there in silence.

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