Chapter Nine

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Back to supernatural world.

“Hakyeon hyung. Did you prepared everything already?” asked Hyuk.

“Almost my Hyuk.” Tell Hakyeon while pestered over Hyuk.

“Ouh, hyung. Let me go hyung.” Tell Hyuk softly try to resist Hakyeon.

“Why? I already must go to human world next week. Still you act like this? You will regret when I gone.” Said Hakyeon sulky.

I will Hakyeon hyung, but will make sure the times you go I will erased this feel. I must even it might very hard for me to do so. Whisper Hyuk in his mind.

After a week.

Good to see you prepared yourself well my king. Remember don't expose who yourself except you are not in real dangerous. Hyuk will followed you after he done his training. So in that's time I hope you can survive well in human world my king.

Hakyeon nodded when hear the voice from that's light before started to entered human world.

Human world.
"What's is this? Document?" Asked Hakyeon confused. He started to open that's document and read it.

Name: Cha Hakyeon.
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Male
Former school: Rovixschool
Transfer to: Vixxschool
Date to report: 06.07.2017

Wow it's really make no sense. I really really still 16 years old? Mum I did well right? Miss you mum.

Hakyeon start to unpack his things and go admired his new house. "Wahh... it is very luxurious. I can even make my whole village live here. So big. More that my previous house." Tell Hakyeon to himself.

Next morning.

Hakyeon open up his eyes. Get down from his bed and getting bath. He wear his school costume. He slowly out from his house.

"What's this grave? They let me live in grave? But inside is so luxurious? Argh.. whatever look like I care." Tell Hakyeon to himself walk towards his way go to school.

"Hey, who is he?" Ask Taekwoon when his eyes look at someone who captured his eyes.

"Don't know. New student maybe." Replied Ken.

Whoa.. I'm sorry if short. I've in hurry when write this. I've must go to class. Have fun read my story. Next chapter coming very soon.

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