Chapter Eighteen

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Ken just walked by his normal way when he noticed something different. He looked back severel times to make sure nobody follow him. But still more than that he felt insecure.

"What the hell you are?" Yell Ken looked surrounding to make sure he is alone.

"Don't to loud." Heard a voice.

"What th- who ar... are you?" Asked Ken. He can't help but stutter.

"Why you bother my master mate?" Asked the voice again. Ken shadows dissappear and a black shadow of himself appear in his very eyes.

"What the heck? What are you?" Asked him try not to stutter. He shocked, fear and lose in his own thought. His shadow appear like a solid body in his eyes.

"Don't bother about me human! Just answer me." Tell that shadow. The shadow come forward and in instinct Ken keep backwards. "Don't make my master jealous or you will know what kind of punishment will come to you. It's very waste to die in young age didn't it?" Warn the shadow before dissapear.

"What mate? Master? What the Ken have happening right now?" Asked Ken to himself. He didn't understand. Who that's mate and who his master. "Whoa.. if it keep going I will become a weirdo!" He then keep walking till reach his house.

"Like he didn't get the massage." Tell someone in a black hoodie.

"He will master. If he saw a blood." Tell the shadow.

"Don't N. He still my friends. Who just turn into challenger. I would like to keep him alive as long as he want. He my great company after all." Tell that man.

"But- Okay then up to you master." Replied the shadow who was being called as N by that man. He pouting a bit and blink several time in furiously.

"How cute." Tell that man before kiss that shadow. "I can't wait to posses your solid body." Tell that man and kissed the shadow again.

"I'm all yours master." Replied the shadow between the kiss. His replied make that man smile in satisfied.

At Hakyeon grave a.k.a house.

"Hyuk.. it's hurt." Cry Hakyeon in pain. He could felt his body being torn. And like many needle poke in his flesh. He can't help but cried in pain while called out for Hyuk.

"What's wrong with you hyung?"
Asked Hyuk worried.

"My body ached. I felt like someone dig my flesh. I think my would be torn out in time. Hyuk please." Beg Hakyeon.

"Why you felt like that? Today is not a heat session yet." Asked Hyuk confused.

"What heat?" Asked Hakyeon in a weird face.

Without an answer Hyuk pulled Hakyeon and kissed him. He travell all his way into warm cavern what was belong to Hakyeon.

"How... you felt?" Asked Hyuk after pull from the kiss.

"Better. But what heat?" Asked Hakyeon again still felt a sting in his body.

"When a wolf need to make out with his mate hyung. You will do that too it's natural." Replied Hyuk. His eyes can't move from Hakyeon lips.

"Did you have done it before?" Asked Hakyeon curious. Well Hyuk is a good kisser. He also not faint from the kissed.

"Yes twice. It's natural hyung. If you not finished your task then you might suffer in your heat moment." Replied Hyuk. "Did you still felt ached?" Asked Hyuk again when he looked Hakyeon not cried in pain neither rub his body.

"I'm better. I'm not felt anything right now. Thanks for your help Hyukkie." Replied Hakyeon and smile.

Hi! Guys sorry for late update. So plot is almost come.. who thats man? Who is N and why Hakyeon suffered like that? Hope you guys enjoyed it..

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