Chapter 3 - An Eventful Day Pt. 2

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So I guess I forgot to type this up before now, but I had a party to go to, okay? Geez, calm down! Oh, you're already calm and you weren't asking... STILL! XD I love you guys. ONTO THE STORYYYYY!

~Y/N's P.O.V.~

Craig was pulling me towards my recording room without telling me why, so I asked,

"What are you doing?" He looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"I'm going go help you do a face reveal," he responded. I wouldn't have to look at myself to know my face read pure terror. I guess there's no fighting this, after all, it was going to have to be done eventually. We walked into the room, and I fixed my hair, put on what little make up I had in here on, which was just mascara and lip gloss, and let my finger hover over the record button of my camera. I looked back at Craig for reassurance, and he gave me a nod that said, 'go on, do it, I'm right here.' I nodded back, took a deep breath, and hit the button. BEEP.

"Hey guys, it's Y/c/n! So, uh, this is me! I know, probably not what you expected, but that's okay. I'm not hiding under a mask or make up, this truly is me. In case you were wondering, I_AM_WILDCAT has a sister, me! I'm his little 21-year-old sister who had to live without him for 11 years, but we moved in together and he is awesome! Check out his channel, as well as his friends BigJigglyPanda, Fourzer0seven, and Mini Ladd, who's links will be in the description. Those guys are downstairs, below me, right now, well, minus Mini. He is the person who convinced me to do a face reveal. Here he is!" I said, and I pulled Mini into view.

"Hello y/n's fanbase! I hope you check out my channel, I do cool things so check it ooooouuuuut!" Craig said, and he stretched out his last word as I slowly pushed him out of view again.

"So I hope you didn't faint from my ugliness, buh bye peoples!" I finished and hit the save button then the end/stop record button. I dragged the footage over to my editing software, put in my outdo, did a few tweaks here and there, put their channels in the description, then uploaded it. I puffed out my cheeks and blew out air. Craig sat down in my chair just as I was about to sit down.

"Hey! I wanna sit there!" I wined and crossed my arms. I was taken by surprise when Craig pulled me into his lap, his arms around my waist to keep me from falling. I was blushing SOOO MUUUUCH! I felt him breathing on the side of my neck slightly, making my skin tingle. I snuggled into him simultaneously just because I was enjoying his warmth, and I rested my head on his chest. I had actually started closing my eyes when Tyler interrupted us.


"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, I'M COMING. GOD, I WAS JUST HELPING Y/N WITH A VIDEO AND, uh, EDITING IT." Nice catch Craig. Tyler would've slapped you if you said you were cuddling me. I could still feel his warmth on me, and I was really upset with the fact that Tyler ruined that moment. Since my laptop was in here, I decided to look at the videos I just posted today. I got 7 million views on my singing one, 49 million on the face reveal (! HOW?!), 560,00 total likes, 100 total dislikes, and overall awesome comments. I got comments saying, "You're so pretty!" "You're beautiful!" "Finally I get to have a face to put to the amazing voice." "Her gorgeous face matches her gorgeous voice ;)" Others, however, said meaner things that I will not mention (A/N~for the sake of your pride and feelings. I do warn you guys about this next one though because some people may be offended or hurt by this. I'm warning you now, and if you want to skip it, you can.). Those ones I brushed off because they weren't that bad. I'm also not super sensitive about what comments say. They're just opinions, and if I love the myself the way I am, I'm not going to let other people make me change that. There was one comment though that really struck deep. It said,

"This girl, wow, I have so much to say. She just walks right on into the YouTube community and sings covers of other peoples' songs, and somehow got 8 million people to pity her and subscribe? Gold digger! Now she shows her horse face to match her terrible voice, and she lies to us by saying her brother is I_AM_WILDCAT. To top everything off, she forces Mini Ladd to be in her video so she could get the likes, views, and subs. She should just leave." This brought tears to my eyes, but I wiped them away and got my camera ready for the third time today. I started this video as well.

"Hey guys! I know I just posted a video about a half hour ago, but I wanted to address a few things. So first of all, I will be playing video games as well as doing covers and animations. Second of all, I want to thank those people who went out of their way to compliment me. From a YouTuber's perspective, it really does mean the world to me knowing that I have, for the most part, a very supportive fanbase. Yes, I did say for the most part, and this is because of some of the comments that were posted. Some people went out of their way to bring my self-esteem down, and I don't understand that. Like, I know YouTube isn't perfect, but people hit the dislike button and leave mean comments to do what? Grow their ego? Feed on other peoples' suffering? This has literally caused so many people on YouTube to delete their channels. See I know they are just opinions; if you don't like something, that's just how you think/feel. But saying things like this-" I showed the really mean comment on the bottom of the screen, or at least, I will when I edit it,

"-this kind of comment is something I don't take lightly. I don't take a lot of offense to most of the mean comments, since I love the way I am, and I won't let other peoples' opinions change that. This comment, posted by GoldStarHater473 (random name), is a the type of comments that are the ones that you report and get that person banned off of YouTube. That's like me going up to a random person and calling them ugly, rude, a gold digger, a liar, and they make people pity them into getting what they want. If I said that to someone I didn't know a single thing about, all those accusations could be completely wrong, but it makes you think, 'Am I really like that?' That's when the self-esteem drops and you feel sad, etcetera etcetera. Moral of the story, don't do that! That's so mean and hurtful, I am actually disgusted. Well, that's all, and I hope you take this lesson into consideration GoldStarHater473, because I made this whole video about you. Bye!" And I finished. I quickly put in the comment and my outro, then posted the video. I cracked my knuckles and walked downstairs into the kitchen. I had a small lunch since it wad already 2 and I haven't eaten since breakfast.

"Hey y/n, can you come in here?" I heard Ty call, so I walked into the living room. I saw my video on the screen, then it started playing. I hadn't really watched through all of it, so I sat in between Tyler and Craig. When the comment came up, they paused the video and read it. I saw their eyes go wide. I got engulfed with a hug on either side of me, and I hugged them back with one arm each. I went on, and I could see it in the two boys' eyes the fact that they could relate to my pain. Is it different from a guy's perspective than a girl's? I wouldn't know. When the video was over, Ty actually had a tear going down his cheek.

"That GoldStar *beep* can't EVER talk to my sister like that. You made some excellent points, and they are all so relatable. You definitely hit everyone in the heart with that one y/n," Ty said and ruffled my hair.

"Preach Queen!" I heard Craig say in his "white girl" voice. I love these guys.

The rest of the day was just relaxing, having pizza for dinner, and going to bed earlier than usual for work tomorrow. Today was certainly an eventful day...

Hi! I've been typing this for an hour, #DeterminedToFinishThis! So yeah I was right, this chapter is over 1,500 words long, so it was a good call, splitting this into two parts. So I am dead tired and I have camp tomorrow, so I wanna sleep. I do want to ask for any requests for things to do after this, because in my notebook I just skipped to a few weeks later after this day was over. Let me know, because it will make this longer and probably way more interesting than skipping over three weeks' worth of time. GOODNIGHT PEOPLES!


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