Chapter 18 - Is She Okay?!

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I'm making this super short so I can get right into the next chapter so you guys can find out what is going to happen! *breathes* wow that's a lot to say in one breath... STORY TIME!

~Third Person P.O.V.~

The four guys scrambled out of the car and ran up to the receptionist at the front desk of the hospital.

"Hi, we're looking for y/n Wine?" Tyler asked hurriedly, and she smiled sadly, as she does to everyone when they are looking for someone who was injured.

"Room 160. That's up one flight of stairs and two lefts," she told them, and they bolted up to y/n's room. They knew better than to barge in when no one told them they could, so they sat next to each other, two on one side of the wall where there were chairs and two opposite them. Tyler sat next to Craig, Scotty across from Craig and next to Anthony. So they sat, waiting anxiously for something to happen.

"Is there a Craig Thompson out here?" A nurse asked as she approached the four boys.

~Craig's P.O.V.~

"That would be me," I told her suspiciously. She seemed to take note of the tension so she explained why she was seeing if I was here.

"Oh, right! When I had to prepare her for her operation, I had to change Ms. Y/n out of her clothes and search them. That's when I found this," she stated, holding out a journal and a letter taped to the cover. She handed it to me, nodded, and left.

"Thank you!" I called out to her, and she turned around and gave me a thumbs up. I sat down and read the letter first. It read this:

Oh gosh, where do I start? Uh, I guess I should start by saying that Craig, you are my everything. When I was a young 15-year-old, I already had a huge crush on you as a student, but I fell in love with you over time. I'm actually still in love with you over 6 years later. Being able to watch your videos pulled me up from the darkest of depths. Whenever I was going through tough times or missed the times when my parents loved each other, I immediately went to go watch your videos. Being able to meet you a few weeks back, it was such a dream come true I thought for sure I was seeing things. That night in my bed I cried from the amount of joy I was experiencing. You've made every single day so much happier just by looking at me for goodness sake! I just wish you weren't mad at your best friend and at me. I really do love you, Craig, nothing truer has come out of me. I hope you read this when we are in better circumstances.

I was in utter shock. She...loves me? And all this time she's had to hide it so I could be with Kaniya and we created this friendship that I just destroyed. Why am I so stupid?!

"Hey, Craig, can I read the letter?" Ty asked me and I handed it over to him. After a minute of reading it, he let a few tears slip. He made me stand up, he did as well, and he gave me a tight hug. When he pulled away slightly he gave me a look that I knew he would give me.

"I...I love her too," I whispered, making my final decision.

"Don't ever hurt her, please," he whispered back and hugged me again. I nodded and we broke apart, him sitting down again. I walked over to Scott and made him stand up so I could give him a hug.

"I'm so sorry," I said and I felt him smile.

"I am too. I just wished you had told me you loved her before since I wouldn't have slept in her bed in the first place with that information," he replied, chuckling sadly as I gave him a guilty smile. I sat down again and looked at the journal, then opened it. On the cover it says. 'This notebook belongs to: Y/n and Craig ❤️,' and, 'Used For: writing about Craig.'

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