Chapter 11 - PAX! Pt. 2

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I'm so done with life right now. 478 views?! I might as well ask if we could hit 500 by Sunday. If we can, I will die from joy! Also I'm using the same picture as the last chapter because I forgot to put it into the actual story. I had an idea for it but it was too late and I got too tired to put it in. So yeah, Story time~!

~Kaniya's P.O.V.~

As I got into the car, I saw y/n sitting in the seat in front of me. She looked like she'd been crying, which is just what I need. She has to be vulnerable otherwise I'll never get her back! Yeah, I realize she only got me suspended for three days in high school for using her, but she still hasn't learned her lesson. If you mess with me, I promise to make your life a living hell. I still am kind of shocked that 1. Craig asked me out as well as took me to PAX with him, and 2. these famous YouTubers are hanging around with this *beep*. Craig intertwined his fingers with mine and smiled at me, I smiled back. This week will be so much fun!

~Y/n's P.O.V.~

I glanced behind me to see Craig on his phone. He had blue and green striped ear buds in and a shirt that continuously said Bacon Strips. I heard the noise of a camera, so I'm assuming he took a picture. This is going to be torture.

"Hey Kaniya, how did you meet Craig?" Ty asked her, even though he already knew.

"Oh! I got suspended because I was using y/- a girl, and she liked Craig, so I made her really jealous by dating him! And now we're dating again because he thinks I'm hot and I think he's rich!" She explained, and we all, yes even Craig, gave her a dirty look.

"So you're not even afraid to admit it, huh?" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked, trying but failing to hide her annoyance.

"I said so you're not even afraid to admit it, huh?" I repeated louder, and she scoffed. I could hear her mumble the b word under her breath. I know she meant me, who else would she mean? I'm a very optimistic person, so I thought, 'at least she was nice enough to not say my name. Then again she probably didn't want to say my name so Craig didn't have to know she used and abused me.' I looked out my window, wishing desperately to get out of this car.

~At the hotel~

As soon as Tyler parked the car I jumped out and ran around it twice, letting the blood flow back into my legs. What? We were sitting in there for 4 hours! I heard Tyler and Craig chuckle at my actions and Kaniya rolled her eyes. I grabbed my suitcase and walked into the hotel, getting everyone's keys and room numbers. I paid for mine, and let the rest of them know that they have to pay as well.

"No, let me pay for you. Actually, no, excuse me sir, instead of the two girls being together, could this beautiful lady stay in my room?" Craig asked, wrapping his arm around her waist. It was a lose-lose situation; I either had to sleep with Kaniya or she got to be alone with Craig. I sighed and left them. Scotty and Tyler were rooming, Brock and Anthony were rooming, Craig and Kaniya were rooming, and I was alone. All of the rooms were next to each other with doors linking them. Mine was connected to Brock's and Anthony and, dang it, Craig's and Kaniya's. I went up to my room and saw that there was two beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and the doors leading to the rooms on either side of mine. I put my suitcase down and unpacked it slightly. I put all of my toiletries (Items that are really only found in bathrooms, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor for shaving, make up, blow dryer, straightened, curler, you get the idea?) into the bathroom, put my things for the desk in the room (computer, camera, vlog camera, chargers for all of the above, note pad and pen, stuff like that), and set out my clothing for the next 4 days and nights. I checked my phone which said it was 8:45. I groaned and heard doors open. I heard laughing and then Craig walked into my room... with the top of his hair dyed blue (he no joke just dyed his hair blue last Sunday)

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