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First off, just take a moment to appreciate just how much of Craig's top half is showing. IT'S HOT! Anyways, I can't believe this is the last chapter! I couldn't end it without doing this, so I hope you like your ending with Craig! Onto the story~!

Three Years Later

~Y/n's P.O.V.~

"Come on slow poke!" I laughed as I stared at Craig. He was being annoyingly slow as he trudged up the hill I was on top of. He made it to the top and I set the blanket out. He put the basket down on the blanket and we sat down. We started eating the sandwiches I made for dinner and I snuggled into him. When I finished my sandwich I turned around and saw the sun setting.

"Oh Craig look!" I exclaimed and he spun around. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. We sat there, watching the sunset over the rolling hills beyond. I suddenly felt a bump in my stomach, making me remember what I wanted to tell him. I stood up and pulled Craig up with me, him giving me a confused look.

"I've been waiting for the right time to tell you this, and I figured now was the right time. Honey, I'm pregnant," I said and sucked in a breath, watching his face. All of a sudden I was engulfed in a huge hug, and I could feel wetness on my neck. I could also hear his muffled sobs of joy.

"I-is it a g-girl o-or a boy?" He asked and wiped his eyes under his glasses.

"It's a boy," I said and started crying as well. After a minute we recomposed ourselves and Craig told me to close my eyes and count to ten. I did as I was told. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten
I opened my eyes to see Craig down on one knee with a small open box in his hand. My hand instinctively went up to my mouth as I started tearing up.

"Y/n, we have been through so much these past three years. Thank god we got through all of it! I can still recall all of the amazing memories I have had here: When we played Mario Kart, when we snuggled, when we comforted each other, when we slept together at PAX, when you gave me the journal and letter, when I saw you alive at the hospital, when we kissed, when the surgery was successful, when we got to meet each others' parents, all of those dates and movie nights, buying this new house, now finding out you're pregnant with my baby! It's all been with you, which has made it a million times better. I've loved you before I even realized I did, and so here I am. Y/n (middle name if you have one) Wine, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He basically spilled out his heart to me, and I broke down sobbing. I had an emotional breakdown and time seemed to freeze. This is the man I've loved for nearly 9 years now, the man who brightened my day just by being there, the man who has gotten me through the toughest of times, the man I bought a house with, the man who is the father of my first child.

"YES!" I yelled, and smiled with joy. He slipped the beautiful diamond-encrusted ring onto my finger and I tackled him in a hug and a kiss. I'm going to be Y/n Thompson soon! This is the best day of my life, but it leaves many more to follow. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man!

The End.

I hope you liked it! I can't believe I got to finish it on a Sunday. I believe this is the three week anniversary of the book, so I ended it on a special day. I will do the BBS and other Vanoss friends x Reader one shots book if, and I'm reaching here, but do you think 10 of you would want me to do this book? Let me know! If I do get the designated amount of requests saying yes, I'll probably start it on August 2, since I'll be home from California by then and I don't have to worry about the trip interfering with anything. So yeah, this is the end! I'm starting to cry, don't question me! Well, I would say until next time, but that will have to change to 'Until maybe the next book!' So I hopefully will make that book. Until then, I love all of you and thank you so much for over 2k views! It means the world to me, as you probably already know. Bye!


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