Chapter 6 - The Crew

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So I just wanted to say this: THANK YOU FOR 140 VIEWS!!!!! I'm so happy you guys don't even know. I am going to start the story now because I didn't get any suggestions for these next few chapters...!

~Y/n's P.O.V.~

I actually got a lot of messages from the students at Tennessee High School. This includes Zachary and the d's who wouldn't look me in the eye as I passed them in the hallway when Craig and I left. Zach apologized and said he had no reason to do such a thing to me. He felt really bad and wouldn't stop saying sorry, so I told him I forgive him and he felt better after that. The d's were saying that they don't feel like they were doing good things to other students, and said that they would stop. I also got messages from kids who went through the same kind of thing or they lost a person close to them because of bullying. I gave them advice and my condolences, then I went through YouTube. I saw I had 10.5 million subscribers! When I checked a lot of the new subscribers' accounts, most of them were from the high school, which did but didn't surprise me.

"Hey! How'd it go?" Ty asked us as we walked through the door.

"I think it went fantastically, and a lot of the kids, including GoldStar who is a student at the high school, did/are message/messaging me about their opinions or apologies for what they did," I told him, and Craig put a hand gently on my shoulder.

"The faces of some of the meanest kids in that room were priceless. As we were walking past the jocks and the d's in the hallway, they all had guilty looks on their faces and wouldn't look her in the eye! It was awesome! The thing about y/n is she is intimidating when she means business, such as at the high school. I don't think there will be bullying there any time soon," Craig explained, and Tyler laughed. I smiled and looked at the ground.

"MR. KRABS, I HAVE AN IDEEEAAAA!" Craig sang, and I chuckled. (SpongeBob reference. This episode was on TV earlier today okay?)

"Wat?" I asked, and he looked at me with an excited expression.

"She should meet the whole crew!" He exclaimed, and I just about died. Like, I nearly fell into the ground, but Craig caught me.

"Sorry, nearly fainted, hehe," I said and rubbed the back of my neck.


"Ew! Alright, geez, if it'll make you shut up. I'll call them over now," he said with an annoyed tone, pulling out his phone as he walked away.

"Yes!" I screamed and did a fist bump with Craig, who smiled at me. I smiled back. (I just noticed now, out of the nearly seven years I've known Craig, that his eyes are like mine. They are sometimes hazel, sometimes blue, it changes a lot. Right now they would probably be bright blue because he is super happy. Mine are like an icy grey color, but they also are blue and hazel and a bit green at times as well. It really depends).

"YOUR NEW FRIENDS ARE ON THEIR WAY! REMEMBER THE FACT THAT SOME OF THEM ARE FLYING ACROSS THE COUNTRY, OTHERS ACROSS MULTIPLE COUNTRIES SO THEY CAN MEET YOU! IT MAY TAKE THEM A LITTLE WHILE TO GET HERE THOUGH. EVERYONE SHOULD BE HERE BY TOMORROW!" Tyler yelled across the house, because he's too lazy to tell me this information to my face. I sat down on the couch and was secretly reading a Mini x me someone made after they saw us together in the face reveal and at the high school. God, I bet it was Mae! That, ugh, it's actually, I can't believe I'm saying this, really interesting. I was getting really into it, and I didn't notice Craig come up behind me and yell 'BOO!' right into my ear while grabbing my shoulders, making me scream and almost fly off the couch. I laughed and hit is hand lightly.

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