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As of late, Mini has apparently been outed for doing some explicit and inappropriate things to underaged fans. I am not someone who knows all the details and will therefore not attack him for what he did. But this does not mean I sit by and pretend he didn't do something he shouldn't have.

I've seen Sami's comments on instagram and the allegations that Mini Ladd has sent inappropriate texts and photos to minors who are fans of his. Again, I only know the basic information I've been told and have read from other people.

This is not right. Someone with the influence and reach that he has should not abuse the power he has and the impressionable young fans that are too naïve to know any better than to enjoy being noticed by a creator.

However, I will not be taking down this book. I wrote this three years ago now and while it may not be my best work, Mini was a different person at the time that I knew him. I wanted to make it evident that I have seen what he's done and that I do not support what he's done. I just don't plan on taking this down, as I wouldn't with my Lunch Club book and the allegations towards them.

I hope this better informs you guys as well. I don't want it to turn you away from him because his content is still good but sometimes the person behind the camera is much different than the one we see. And sometimes that isn't a good thing.

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