Chapter 17 - The Argument

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Eyyyyy, we have 1,355-ish views, so we need about 145 more until I do the "All About Me" chapter I was talking about in the quick A/N I posted before this. Well other than saying that and THANK YOU, it's time for an emotional roller coaster condensed into a single chapter...

~Y/n's P.O.V.~

I walked up to the front door of the house and reached a shaky hand out to grab the doorknob. Why am I so shaky? 'Hello! This is only your entire relationship with the love of your life at stake here!' I reminded myself rather rudely, and I started to freak out. I took deep breaths and opened the door to find...

Nothing really. The guys were nowhere to be seen except for Craig. He was scrolling through his phone, almost as if he was waiting for me to walk through the door. I closed it behind me and took off my shoes. When I turned around I saw Craig had stood up and set his phone down, his eyes staring into mine, but not in a kind manner at all.

"Hey Craigy," I said softly, trying to see what was going on behind his hardened gaze.

"You know," he started after a moment. "I was going to forgive you and forget you slept with my best friend, that was until you told me off to Tyler about me hitting you." I gave him a confused look causing him to roll his eyes.

"Uh Craig, you do realize I was working my butt off the entire time I've been gone, right?" I asked, and he laughed an angry laugh.

"So now you are going to lie to me?" He had raised his voice towards the end of the question. The guys came into the room to see what was going on; I wasn't surprised.

"I didn't tell Tyler what you did because I don't tattle on people like that. And unlike you, it seems I actually was thinking about how this conversation wouldn't result in us fighting like this. Clearly, that isn't going to happen though, is it?!" I replied, raising my voice as well. He just scoffed. "Why do you care so much about this anyway? We aren't dating, you don't own me, and I am a fully grown, independent woman who can choose what she does in her life!" I asked loudly. Though I was genuinely curious to see what his answer is.

"Wow, how stupid and oblivious are you? You certainly don't act like you're an adult. You act like you're a 16-year-old drama queen who can't pull herself together, so she sleeps with guys that are already taken and tells on others because of what they did to you," he remarked, making me inhale sharply. I had to try so hard to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. If I started crying it would only prove his point further.

"Is that really how you think of me? After all we've done together and the friendship we built?" I asked him quietly and looked down. He didn't reply right away, so I assumed I hit something that made him stop in his tracks.

"That's exactly my point, frankly," he started after a moment, making me look back up at him. "We've built this amazing friendship these past few weeks, only for you to do this to me? To us? Who was there to clean up breakfast that morning? Help you do your face reveal which got you famous? Made your channel gain 5 million subscribers? Hung out with you? Comforted you when you were sad or had a nightmare? I've done so much for you."


"No, y/n. What have you given me in return?" He finished and I looked into his eyes as a tear slipped down my cheek. I saw his look soften and for a second he looked like he regretted what he said.

"What have I given you? WHAT HAVE I GIVEN YOU?! I have been there since day one of your channel Craig. Who was your first viewer? Your first subscriber? Who introduced you to all of their friends in high school? How did you go from 1 to 2,000 subscribers so fast? I spread you around our entire high school and our classmates spread you further. So what have I given you in return, you ask? I gave you a channel with over 4 million subscribers and millions of views. I gave your channel the jumpstart it needed if it wanted to get to where it is today," I explained, and I am just plain mad now. I hate it when people don't think about what others have given to them. He kept quiet so I continued. "So, really, you had a lot of help from one 15-year-old girl who really felt that you could make it on YouTube. Who was there for my channel? No one Craig. I had to build my channel from the ground up with no one there to spread me throughout an entire school. I don't really know how I made it to 8 million subscribers in a year in a half. You've been on YouTube for so much longer than me, you don't deserve to have less than half of the number of subs than what I have. It should be flipped since you really should have 13 million subs and I should have 4 million. You deserve it more than I do. I just, I really wish famous YouTubers would realize that there is always someone that made their channel what it is today. I also helped Tyler before you two knew each other even existed. You and I both went to Charleston high school in England. I had thought, 'My classmate, a hot, popular kid, deserves to have fame,' so I gave it to him," I explained and took a few breaths. That was a lot to say.

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