Anonymous Advice Corner (Ask Shirayuki and Bella)

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Romance Related: 

How will I let a guy know I like him? Should I send him hints or anything?  

You should totally send hints! But not too obvious though, make it subtle. If you're friends already, then that's great, you know you have a common ground. Just be sure you don't make that friendship any deeper. If you do that, the you'll be stuck in the friend zone for the rest of your natural life. If you have any common interests (like sushi, for example), try and invite him to eat on a great sushi bar you found not so far from your place. Try this trick whenever you found a chance. ;)

Is it wrong to date an 18 year old guy if I'm 14?  

Well in my opinion, no. It's completely okay if you date a guy older than you provided that you keep the relationship innocent (if you know what I mean). But dating at 14 is a bit dangerous, so I suggest that you keep cautious of what is going on around you - be ready for anything. :)

I really like this guy in my algebra class but he doesn't know that I even exist. I've liked him since two years I suppose. He's really funny, cute and he's not a even a player. It's his birthday next week and he has invited the entire class for the party. Should I go? I mean, he doesn't even know me  

You should definitely go girl! He invited the whole class right? Besides, this is the opportunity to attack! Grab the opportunity! Dress to impress and give him a gift that you think he would really like (you've liked him for two years now, so I guess you already know what he likes). Then when the party came, look for a good time to give him the gift personally. You might wanna introduce yourself if he doesn't know of your existence like you said. Do your best not to stutter. Remember, confidence is a girl's secret weapon. ;)

Hey, I have so much to say and nobody will listen. You guys are doing an awesome job, bro! Anyway, I like a Gothic guy but I'm the popular girl and I know it's really rude but I worked hard on my reputation. He is not really admired by my friends. But I really like him :/ I don't know what to do. :(  

Thanks dude! :D   Does your friends already know that you like this guy or not? Well either way, you have to tell them that you really really really like him, and you want their support. Make them understand that he is an agreeable person. You can also compromise. Tell them that when things go well and he suddenly hurts you in any way, then they can hate him all they want. And if not, then they have to accept your relationship and support you in any way they can. What's the point of being friends if you don't have each other's backs?

Personal and Depressing:   

Dear Anon, I'm a hopeless romantic. Not the wattpad-kind of hopeless romantic but a real one. Other than that, I'm a really insecure person, and I think the reason why I'm still single (btw I'm 18) is because I don't look good enough, I'm not attractive.'Guys are into pretty girls'. Any help? :(  

That feeling when your "normal looking" friends have boyfriends and you don't. I feel you girl! Anyway, even if that's the case, don't be so insecure. Just have a little faith in yourself and be confident in what you do (and a little bit of flirting will do too, lol.), because that's the secret weapon we girls have when winning over guys - ultimate confidence. But don't be to over-confident and lose your real self in the process. Remember: you are born unique, so don't die a copy. :)

I'm very depressed right now. I'm a 17 year old guy and i was raped by my mother's boyfriend. At first, he used to give me fatherly looks.. but then last month, when mom was out, he was with me at home and well.. I'm not comfortable talking about what happened. But now I'm really disturbed and upset.

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