Let's Play Pranks! (The Editor's Column)

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***Caution! You might get suspended for carrying out some of these pranks*** 

Crazy Things to do in Class: 

When the teacher calls roll, after each name scream "THAT'S MEEEEE!!! Oh, no, sorry."

Stand to ask questions. Bow deeply before taking your seat after the teacher answers.

After the teacher explains something, laugh really loud and say "Oh, now I get it!"

When the teacher turns their back to the class, scream and bang desks, then when they turn around act normal and get on with your work. 

At a completely random time, put up your hand to ask a question. When the teacher picks you, ask a question about a different subject and pretend you thought it was that class.

When a substitute introduces himself as a substitute, have you and your friends all yell "FRESH MEAT!!!!" at the same time.

Superglue a coin to the ground and watch people try to pick it up.

Draw a smiley face on a piece of paper, and talk to it. 

Repeat everything the teacher says right after him/her to confirm that you agree. When they ask you to stop, say "but I love you so!!"

Raise your hand in such a way that it looks a little bit like you're just stretching (like you're a little tired) but more like you want to ask a question. When the teacher goes to answer your question (even when you don't have a question), just say you were stretching. Repeat as often as necessary.

When forced to type up an essay or project, put the whole thing in one of those whacky fonts (the ones that are all symbols and the sort) then act confused when your teacher can't understand it.

Raise your hand, and when the teacher calls on you, ask where babies come from in a childish voice.

When a teacher explains something, raise your hand and say "I don't get it". They'll say, "What don't you get?" You look at the handout or notebook paper you have and say, "How do they make a really big tree into this thin piece of paper?"

Pick one of your teachers that constantly uses a specific word (ex: I have a teacher that says "Okay?" after almost every sentence). Get everybody in the class to stand up, clap, and sit down every time that word is used.

If you ever have to give a PowerPoint presentation take as long as possible.... For example, since it needs to be projected onto a big screen to the class can see it you must log into your computer to load it up, correct? "Accidentally" switch off the computer, and say it crashed on you, or pretend it won't let you log in... when actually you're just typing the wrong password. If you can get more than 1 person/pair of people to do this, it can lead to some serious wasted time. My hour was 3 days behind other hours because of the fact we got so many people to take their time or "mess up" the computer. 3 days behind = frustration for my lazy-ass English teacher.


Email: Find out your friends email address and enlist them in the communist party, request sensitve information from a government agency, sign them up for a newsletter to gay porn, etc. 

Funny Sign: Take a piece of paper, write a funny message, and put it on a chair (paper should be same color as the chair.) Put clear glue on the paper or double sided tape and someone will sit on it and be walking around school with paper on their butt. 

Sleepover: If you are at a sleepover, grab some make-up and apply it like crazy. Make your face pale white, completely black, or other dark color. Add eye shadow to go on your eye-lid all the way to brow. Use bright red, black, or dark blue, lipstick and apply all over lips and beyond. Finally take RED blush and apply it in a perfect circle). You’ll look like an scary clown! Shake a person WHILE SLEEPING with the light on and they’ll freak looking at your face! It is so funny! You’ll scare the crap out of your friend! 

Toilet Paper: Go in early to school and put iching powder on all the toilet rolls. 

Shower: I told my mom I was going to use her shower because mine was busted. I brought a bottled of ketchup with me and I sprayed the stuff everywhere, then I screamed bloody murder. My mom came in and saw the “blood” everywhere and started gagging. Be warned you will likely get grounded. 

Flooding Dorm Room: Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a random dorm room. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really funny prank. But don’t get caught. Use Kool-Aid if you have the guts. 

Peanut: Use your cell phone to film yourself sucking the chocolate from chocolate peanuts and spit every peanut in a bowl (if you don’t want your friend to really eat these nasty ass peanuts, just give him regular peanuts). Now give the bowl of peanuts to your friends, when they’ve eaten half the bowl, show them the video! They are gonna be so Pissed! 

Ketchup: Get a half empty bottle of ketchup (any brand). Flip it upside down allowing ketchup to fill up the tip of the bottle. Then add two spoonfuls of baking soda and close the bottle. Serve hot dogs, french fries, or anything that requires ketchup and watch the ketchup explode out of the bottle when your friend tries to use it. 

School TV: Find out what brand of TV your teacher uses for presentations or movies. Then purchase a universal remote and enter that particular brands code into the remote and let the fun begin. 

Salty Drink: For this funny prank take your friend’s drink, preferably a non fizzy drink, and load it with salt. For more fun challenge him to a chugging contest. 

Shampoo Colors: Find a friend who uses a bubbly fruity colored body wash or shampoo. Find a similar color food dye and put it in their shampoo. 

Have fun pranking! But stay safe ;)


Ash (The Editor)

Crescendo☆ Magazine - Let's Play Pranks (April Issue)Where stories live. Discover now