Future Decisions

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Ichigo sprinted back to the clinic at top speed. At the same time he thought frantically, What the hell? Why would Byakuya be here in the World of the Living? Do they need me for something involving rebuilding the Seireitei? And if so, what could it be? And why didn't I transform?

Sweating and panting, Ichigo crossed his family's threshold doubled over.

"Alright, so where is that guy? Byakuya? Hey, why didn't you send a messa-"

Ichigo stopped as he saw not only the Captain of Squad 6, but also Rukia and his dad, Isshin Kurosaki, all looking at him with solemn expressions. He then noticed that Rukia was not wearing her normal black and white robes, but that she was dressed up in a colorful kimono. In fact, she was looking very pretty in her garb. Ichigo managed to straighten up and stared at the trio in befuddlement. Rukia suddenly looked down and away from Ichigo, blushing profusely.

"Ichigo, we need to talk about something very important," Isshin, Ichigo's dad, said.

"Why? What's going on here?" Ichigo's thoughts were whirling out of control.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," Byakuya began, in his trademark soft, yet firm voice. "We have come here with orders from Central 46. The governing council of elders and judges in the Soul Society has determined that you are to marry Rukia Kuchiki and Tier Harribel. This will seal a powerful and important political pact between the World of the Living, the Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo. As a part of this anticipated pact, I have come as the official representative of both the Soul Society and the Kuchiki Clan."

He then reached into his robes and produced a sealed envelope and placed it on the dinner table. Ichigo glanced at the paper with wild and anxious eyes. It was like someone had flipped a switch in his brain, causing him to lose any ability to process what he had just heard. Let alone smack Byakuya upside the head and tell him to get a grip on reality.

"Here are the full orders and the contracts revolving around these unions. This will entail the restoration of your ancestral house, the Shiba Clan, to its former prominence in the Soul Society. It also contains an explanation for what Central 46 expects of you.

"And finally, Ichigo Kurosaki, here is my sister, Rukia Kuchiki."

With that, Rukia finally looked up and stepped forward. She was still blushing beat read, but her eyes were strong. Ichigo could hardly believe what was going on in front of him.

"I present to you, your wife. Rukia, I present to you your husband."

"W-Wait! Hold on! This is too much! I have no idea what is going on around here! And this Central 46 actually expects me to comply!?"

He regretted saying what he did when he saw a flash of pain cross Rukia's face, but he was so angry and would not budge.

"Ichigo! Shut up and listen for a moment," his dad said seriously. "This is a very important matter, and you need to keep a level head. There is a lot going on here that you do not right now understand."

"What I understand, dad, is that some geezers from the Soul Society have decided to interfere in my life and trying to determine my future. What about my say in all of this?"

"Consider your words and situation carefully, Ichigo Kurosaki," Byakuya said with a warning tone, "There are serious repercussions for the decision you make here. You don't have a choice."

"I do! I-"

"Ichigo," Rukia implored. "Please listen!"

Ichigo suddenly halted and then mumbled, "Rukia...."

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