The Evil Unveils Its Face, Part 3

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Chad came to a stop in the middle of a park just at the outskirts of town. He turned in time to see the large assassin pull up right in front of him.

"I could have killed you at any time as we ran," he snorted. "You are a terrible bodyguard."

"You would have failed had you tried," Chad said calmly. "The fact that you didn't says that you at least have a small shred of honor."

Genga, the eyepatch wearing and large blade wielding assassin, sneered at the teen and said, "Whatever. By the way, what was that technique you used to bring us out here. That wasn't Flash Step, or anything else I've ever seen before."

"It's a Fullbring technique," Chad stated simply.

Genga narrowed his eyes and breathed slowly, "So, that is what you are. A Fullbringer."

"I'm surprised that you've heard of them before. We are kind of rare."

The assassin shrugged his large shoulders and gestured with his weapon. "They're about to become even rarer after I'm done with you. Hmm, I'd better hurry if I'm going to get back to the real action. It feels like things are heating up over there."

He took a deep breath and savored the fierce spiritual pressure raging as the different battles were fought.

"Sorry, but I can't allow that," Chad said, falling into form. "But first, I just want to ask you one thing."

"Get on with it!"

"Why are you doing this? I'm no expert on Soul Society politics by any means, but I know that killing a young girl before she has proven herself is dishonorable. Also, it prevents the real people whom you serve from having the future they could have. I have not known Rurichiyo for a long time, but I can see the powerful woman she can become. Give her time to prove herself, and she may very well be the leader the Kasumioji Clan needs."

Genga laughed at this and finally said, "I serve myself. I could care less about politics, except for the opportunities they provide. I gain power and prestige through taking on different jobs. Sure, I may work for the Clan, but only so long as they serve my interests as well." he raised the large blade affixed to his arm and began swinging it overhead. "Having this bakoto is all the reason I need for helping assassinate the princess!"

"So be it," Chad answered solemnly.

He focused his power and brought forth his arm and launched a blast on energy right at Genga. The assassin parried the blast with his bakoto, but he was still knocked back. Chad did not let up, but he landed a punch into the other man's face with his left hand. Genga tried to push him away, but got a full punch of power right to his stomach. Chad threw the assassin into the air and watched him land in a heap, a dozen feet away.

"What's your name kid," the large man asked as he got up, his eyepatch askew on his face.

"Friends call me Chad. Funny, I normally don't get asked that question."

"Genga. That's my name. I guess you are right that there is some kind of honor to me. And there, you've had it. Now I'll kill you."

Genga then used his bakoto to throw up a number of walls and enclosed himself and Chad into the space. He then placed his free hand on one of the walls and thrusted his blade as Chad. Portions of the walls flew out like cannonballs at Chad and collided hard with him. Chad took the hits, but stood his ground.

"Damn, that is some tough skin you've got there," Genga remarked.

Chad did not respond but looked Genga dead in the eyes.

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